Her face turned as pale as death and she ran, never once looking back.

Thranduil helped you back to your rooms. Once there, he got you into bed and, brushing your hair away from your face, bid you rest well. As soon as you were alone you cried until you could cry no more, then fell into a deep sleep.

You didn't wake until well into the next morning. Bright sunlight shown in through the open curtains and roused you from your slumber.

You felt a bit better than you had the previous day. Yes, your mother's hurtful words had wounded you deeply, but you couldn't help but replay Thranduil's response as well. It made you smile ever so slightly.

You could hear the noise and voices of people scurrying about on their business, as you hurriedly put on the days clothes. No sooner had you finished then a light tap sounded at your door.

You opened it to find a maid with a tray of some of your favorite foods.
She smiled at you
"King Thranduil asked that this be sent to your room since you were not able to make it to breakfast."
Then, handing you the tray, she hastened on her way.

Your own small smile widened. Thranduil had thought of you! He had gone out of his way to make sure you ate! He had even remembered your favorite foods!

However, that didn't mean he loved you! You firmly reminded yourself as warmth colored your cheeks. As, you sat down to eat you found yourself ravenous, as you had not eaten since the noon before, and so quickly cleared the tray.

After having eaten you dropped the dishes off at the kitchen and headed to the library. You spent hours pouring over the contents of the books. You forgot everything but the words and the stories they told surrounding you.

You were startled out of your reading by a hand on your shoulder. You whirled round to see Thranduil holding a tray laden with food.

"You did not come to dinner, so I brought dinner to you." He said, a fond smile on his face.

You found yourself returning it as you sat down to eat. You noticed that again the food that covered the tray were your favorites, which caused your cheeks start to heat up.

As you dug in, he asked about your day, and if you enjoyed the food he had had sent to you. At this your cheeks grew so warm they felt almost fiery and you stuttered as you thanked him.

He then began to ask you about the books you were reading in Elrond's library. You straightened up and launched into it with enthusiasm. Showing him the different books and explaining what each one was about, as he lounged about listening intently.

And so days swiftly passed. Each one very much the same as the last. You awoke, went to breakfast, spent some time outside (at Thranduil's insistence), went to lunch, then the library and get lost in the books.
You had as of yet not attended dinner even once, but Thranduil always seemed to turn up at some point with food. Sometimes he would stay with you for hours talking about anything that crossed your minds. Other days he would just drop it off, smooth your hair, and be gone again. As days past you began to hear rumors of Thranduil courting a beautiful girl. You tried your best not to be hurt by it, or envious of the lucky girl. You never saw your mother.

However, near the end of your stay, there was going to be a festival. It was to last about three days, with singing and dancing, and drinking. Fireworks, more drinking, street venders, a parade, and ending with a costume ball.

You hadn't really planned on attending the ball. As much fun as it sounded, you didn't really want to go by yourself and you didn't even have a costume, or the money to get one.

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