CH.2 Manipulation Is The Way To Go

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Damon arrived at the chosen place with John and Bonnie.

"Klaus?" John questioned as his gaze flickered between Bryan's back and the burning bridge.

"That would be me." Bryan smirked as he turned around, so, they could see his face.

"Bonnie Bennett! I have to admit, you are one powerful witch." Bryan stated.

"Get to the point." Bonnie snapped.

"Ooh, feisty." Bryan commented before going serious.

"I have this copy of an old spell from one of your ancestors' grimoires. This spell binds the life force of a parent to their child, you'll understand what I mean once you've read it." Bryan stated before getting an old piece of paper out of his pocket and handing it to Bonnie who hesitantly took it.

After reading and understanding the spell, Bonnie gave Bryan a look. "What's the point of showing it to me? I'd rather die than help you." If he thought that she would perform a spell for him then he must be delusional. He tried to kill her and her friends.

"Come on, witch. I thought you were smarter than this." Bryan groaned.

"You want to bind John's life with Elena's." Damon stated with surprise and suspicion.

"Are you willing?" He asked John and ignored Damon.

"Without hesitation. I won't allow my kid to become the thing that I hate the most." John replied making Bryan smirk again.

"What's happening here?" Bonnie questioned.

"Klaus is suggesting that we bind John's life force with Elena, he gets his sacrifice and Elena gets to survive, it's a win-win situation." Damon replied.

"That's it? No trick? No death? No anything?" Bonnie asked suspiciously.

"You have the spell and 5 hours before the ritual, check if there's anything wrong with the spell if you don't trust me." Bryan shrugged.

"Why are you helping us?" John asked.

"I'm not helping you, I just don't care if the doppelganger lives or dies, if you want her alive then fine, she's all yours. I just want to break my curse." Bryan replied acting sincere. He really is a manipulative bastard, just like the teachers at the orphanage used to say.

"You see this burning bridge?" Bryan pointed at the bridge making Bonnie nod as John and Damon just watched silently.

"This bridge was the only thing that could end my immortal life, and now it's just ashes. You can't kill me, but that doesn't mean you can't join me." Bryan added making their faces pale. Their only chance was now gone.

"Fun fact! Did you know that when an original vampire dies, his entire sire line dies with him?" Bryan nonchalantly revealed with a smile.

"You're lying." Damon growled.

"Am I?" Bryan questioned with a smirk.

"It's up to you whether you wanna believe me or not, but at least get a witch to test it out. Another thing, don't inform Elena or Stefan of the binding spell unless you want them to stop it." Bryan knew that his last sentence would hit home for Damon which was the reason that he invited Damon instead of Stefan.

"How do we know that the spell is going to work?" The ever so suspicious Damon asked.

"Do you trust your witch?" Bryan asked instead of answering Damon directly.

"You know what, Damon? Let's talk alone, shall we?" Bryan gestured towards a random direction and Damon agreed while racking his brain on ways to use what's left of the bridge to end his life, if the deal wasn't to his liking.

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