"Don't call me that," she turned to glare at him and the use of his newest nickname for her, "and when do I ever want you around?"

He laughed in response swatting her back like a pestering older brother. Then like a switch he turned to her friend "Alice," he slurred, backing away head tipped down.

"Victor," she tossed her hair back, black eyes alight once again. While Jaclyn glowered stuck between their constant flirting. There were so many guys Alice could like why did it have to be Victor?

"Never have I ever wished for someone to just poof out of existence." Finally, Jaclyn took a sip of her drink, which went down with much difficulty.

Ellie laughed her voice like air, "that's sad," and when Jaclyn turned to her eyebrows rising up her forehead, and glass now forgotten she continued. "Because he's so smitten with you."

For being as dark as she was Alice paled. For no reason, in Jaclyn's professional opinion. Everyone believed their to be something brewing between her partner and her, but not only could they not stand each other, he wasn't Jaclyn's type.

Victor was brooding, cocky, and loved himself more than anyone else.

The real problem was Alice liked him, the reasons were still unknown, but everytime anyone mentioned how well Jackie and Victor attracted she became rather silent.

From Jaclyn's point of view they did nothing but repel.

"Oh, he likes to flirt," she finally commented still uneasy even as
Alice gave her a very false grin.

If Ellie could sense the rising tension that neither girl knew how to get rid she didn't say anything, but pulled them up from their corner table and out onto the dance floor.

It was a storm of movement and once her feet connected with the floor Jaclyn got wrapped up in moving. Again, it wasn't typical club grinding, but artists making movement with steps they used every day to very up tempo music. Jaclyn found herself moving along with the others, everything washing away as the sound of fast cello music fled her ear drums accompanied by the dancers hoots of joy and howls of laughter.

Her feet did small flicks her arms reaching out as her ribcage splayed with her head tilted up. It didn't matter though. It wasn't about technique, that had been the morning, tonight was about chances. This would be the one time during the season where all of them stood on the same playing field, their fates and careers undecided.

A girl pulled Jaclyn up onto the bar which had been cleared, and she found Alice and took her with her. They danced jumping out and in in circles, chugging across the counter, and prancing around each other. In her peripheral vision she could see arms outstretched, and seeing the other girls fall back Jaclyn gracefully descended from the bar into the arms of who she assumed was a stranger.

The second she saw his face she scowled, and he mockingly mimicked her.

"Can I not escape you?"

"It seems you cannot," Victor laughed dryly, but before she could escape he started turning around the room. The artist in her responded molding into a shape easier for him. Their eyes never disconnected, both harsh and shuddering glares.

It wasn't like dancing with Thomas where they had made a form of communication dancing with another. Victor and her almost fought each other, trying to see who would out last in the race. It was movement filled with fire and a desire to prove something. They were clear opposites, but met in this middle ground and somehow worked it out.

She was still fields of flowers, dancing as if she were glass, and he was the willful and unruly child threatening to break her with his abrupt steps and accents.

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