“My dad would be Jealous if he saw this. He's so greedy when it comes to alcohol always hiding from my brother and I like it's– Hey hey! what are you doing?” He gasped loudly when Lisa open the black label whiskey and chugged it down from the bottle. The thai grimaced and scoffed.“Ah Soju's still better.”

“why did you– is it– we're not sure if it's ours!” He steal the bottle from the girl and hugs it against his chest, sighing softly at the smell.

“Is there a sign that don't touch?” Louis frown but shake his head. “Then it's fine.”

Louis looked at her hesitantly. “Go ahead they're gonna warn us if it's not allowed.” said Lisa as she leaves the boy there. Who's still hugging the bottle and contemplating what to do.

Lisa glanced behind her. Everyone having fun, talking animatedly, introducing to each other, playing underwater on the pool. She notices this time it has more hidden camera as she made her way inside the house.  It was all silent seems like everybody are outside. She sat on the sofa bouncing on it slightly as she wondered how's her Leo doing, did Jin already feed him? That cat is destroying her house when he gets hungry. She's worried that he might ruin her newly seam couch again.

She wondered to the hall, It has lot of rooms, are they having own room or sharing? Roommates? She grabbed the first knobs on the open room as it slightly agar. She headed inside finding it's actually an bathroom and not a bedroom. The bathroom was clean. The tubs and towels were dry. The medicine cabinet above the sink had mirrored door and behind it were over the; counter analgesics, toothpaste, tampons, dental floss, and spare soaps and shampoo.

“I thought I'd find you here.” Lisa turned around to find a black haired girl leaning on the door with glass of wine in her right fingers. Lisa recognize her; The girl who convinced that some boy to get his watch only to be first eliminated.

Lisa Just watched her blankly. The girl aware that being watched stands straight self- unconsciously. She smiled and held out her hand. “Lisa right? I'm Irene.”

Instead of shaking her hand Lisa held out a high five in front of the girl. Irene glanced weirdly in her hand but high five it anyway. “cool.” she nodded and walked passed the girl.

Irene who's frowning quickly turned around to catch up to the taller girl. “Hey” she walked beside the Thai who's hand tucked in her Jacket. “I think we've met before.”

Lisa stop in her tracks to look at the girl. She stared at her face for a good 30 seconds before saying.“I don't think so.” and started to walk again.“I've never met name Erine before.” She added.

“Right.” Irene purse her lips at her failed attempt to get the girl intrigued to her. “And it's Irene.” she added slight offended, no one has ever mispronounce her name before.

“You want some drink?” Irene offer after some silence between them.


“Cola?” Irene chuckles up to the girl. “I meant alcohol unless, you don't drink?”

“Not tonight.”

“why not? Alcohol it just suits well for tonight's celebration” She smiled up at the girl.“screw them we gotta drunk.”

“And that's what they want.” Lisa said without sparing a glance to the girl beside her. “getting us drunk and do stupid stuff to be entertaining enough for them to watch.”

“It's.. Still depends on you. You just need to monitor yourself I think.” Irene shrugged subtly brushing her bare arms to the girl's side.

Another silence settled between them and when they're nearly outside Irene blurted out of nowhere. “I think you're gorgeous and Hot.”

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