a/n: I did the same thing for the boys as well. From Top Left to right to bottom left and right, Keefe, Tam, Dex, and Fitz.

 From Top Left to right to bottom left and right, Keefe, Tam, Dex, and Fitz

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Once I make it to my dorm, I unlock the door and walk in

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Once I make it to my dorm, I unlock the door and walk in. I take a look around. "Wow. This place is crazy," I say as I walk towards the balcony to see the view.

a/n: below is a picture of what the balconies for both the boys and girls look like. along with a floor print as well.

 along with a floor print as well

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Once I'm out there, I see the perfect spot for me to do my artwork

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Once I'm out there, I see the perfect spot for me to do my artwork. It would perfectly hold all of my materials. Even though it's just a table and chair. I finish looking around and walk back inside. Just at that moment, someone with black hair with silver-tipped emo bangs and blue-gray eyes walks down the stairs. He's wearing headphones listening to probably some sort of emo trash. Not far behind him, a boy with strawberry blonde hair and periwinkle colored eyes holding some sort of gadget follows that emo bangs boy down. Then I hear a voice that I hadn't heard in a while say, "Finally we are all here." I look up to see a familiar boy with dark brown hair and teal colored eyes. It's Fitz.

Fix Me Foster[Book 1] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now