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GhostInnit/PhantomInnit AU


(???'s pov)

I opened my eyes. I looked around slowly. 

I'm in the nether. 

I then roamed around trying to find someone. I then saw Ghostbur walking closer to me.

"Ghostbur!" I said quietly and smiled.

Ghostbur turned around and looked at me. His eyes widened.

"Tommy? What are doing in the nether? Why are you... crying?" He asked worryingly.

I tried to wipe off the tears but it didn't work. I shook my head. Ghostbur then pulled me into a hug. 

"Your not dead right?" He asked.

"I don't remember anything," I said quietly. 

"How about I bring you back to see our friends?" Ghostbur asked.

I nodded excitedly. Ghostbur then brought me to the nether portal. I clung onto him tightly. 

"Don't worry, you'll be okay. No one's going to hurt you when you get there." Ghostbur cooed. 

I then nodded. Ghostbur went in the portal, I followed behind. When we made it to the overworld, my eyes flinched from how bright the sun was.

"C-cold..." I said shivering.

Ghostbur then took off his yellow sweater and gave it to me. I wore it on and smiled. 

"Better?" Ghostbur asked.

I nodded. I then reached down into my pockets. I pulled out the thing that was in my pocket. I tilted my head and looked at it. It was a compass. Ghostbur looked at what it was.

"Can you give it to me and let me see what it is?" He asked.

I shook my head and hugged the compass into my chest. Ghostbur sighed.

"It's fine. Let's just bring you to see our friends!" He said, grabbing my hand and pulled me towards where our friends were.

After a while, we made it to a place that was so-called "L'manberg". I looked around, trying to remember at least something from here. Suddenly, I felt my chest hurt a lot. I drop the compass and held my chest. Ghostbur looked at me worriedly. 

"Are you alright, Tommy?" He said walking up to me.

"Tried to remember... then chest hurts, a lot," I said, my chest still hurting a lot.

"Here have this." Ghostbur said handing out a golden apple. I took it and ate it slowly. My chest started to hurt less. 

"Thank you, Ghostbur." I said quietly. 

"No problem. Maybe you should not try to remember since your chest hurts whenever you think." Ghostbur said. 

I only nodded. Ghostbur then walked into L'manberg, I followed. I saw two people from afar, talking to each other. 

"Look, there! Tubbo and Ranboo are talking to each other!" Ghostbur said.

We then walked up to them. Tubbo and Ranboo turned around in shock. 

"T-Tommy? Y-You're a ghost?" Tubbo said.

I looked down at myself and looked back at them. I hummed and nodded.

Tubbo only started crying, tears formed in his eyes, dropping down from his face to the wood floor. Ranboo stood behind him and comforted him. I only stood there watching him cry. Ghostbur then grabbed my hand.

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