Chapter 2

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Today I was met with a very strict looking etiquette instructor. However, as it may appear so in front of others, but to me, she doesn't look as bad as rumors say she was. Madam Ludrick is kind and is very gentle when teaching.

I bet all the ladies she has taught so far are thinking the same thing as I was. Well, who would not?

I don't believe that it was because of my first impression of her but maybe she's just fond of children since she's both a grandmother and a mother to children too.

She kindly put her gentle gaze on me, delicately reassuring me that she won't cause me harm, unlike another etiquette instructor that would whip their students so that they would listen to them. But Madam Ludrick isn't that kind of a person.

The words she spoke to me have a nice and thoughtful tone in them, "It is my very pleasure to meet you too, Lady Margarita" she softly giggled after her spoken words. Leaving such a pleasant impression on me.

"I am glad that Madam Ludrick came to teach me proper etiquette," I said with a small smile on my childlike lips.

"I too am delighted to be able to teach you, Lady Margarita. I can't wait to start our class"

Madam Ludrick and I talk for quite some time before starting our etiquette lesson. Since our mental age gap is quite close, I could easily sympathize with her though our topic slowly gets deeper and deeper.

She was surprised by my stunning replies and complimented me for being so mature that's so unlike my age. I brushed it off with a slight giggle and continued with our peaceful conversation.

I, too had some fun conversing with Madam Ludrick, though she said that our proper lesson may start tomorrow since we got carried away with the talk and completely forgot about the time.

I went to see her off to the front gate and we said our farewells, "I shall see you tomorrow, Madam Ludrick" I slightly leaned downwards and lifted my kilt.

Then her carriage drove away and disappeared from my field of view.

Going back now, I entered the estate and encountered a man taller than I was with white locks and golden orbs. He looked exhausted as he had always been.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Alpheus," I told him with an impolite attitude.

"So you still won't call me uncle, huh?"

"I suppose you know the reason why 'Mr. Alpheus' "

Of course, it was a lie.

He paused for a while before telling me, "Dinner is almost ready" and patting my shoulder, I slapped off his hands away from me and looked at him full of contempt in my eyes.

A feeling of disgust sprung up deep inside my heart as the hair in the back of my neck stood up all at once.

I know he's exhausted and all but I couldn't care less even if he started coughing up blood right now. I don't even feel like thanking him for sheltering the poor me inside his home.

I saw him in one of my dreams, 'You're helping my real father to overthrow the empire, right?!' I inwardly screamed with all my might.

How despicable.

Flashes of memories burst out from my brain from the dreams of when I was young.

As usual, it was a hologram again. And the small me was sitting in front of the big screen.

But inside there was an old version of me.

- I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

I was pleading for help, there were blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, and words of apologies. I was tied up on a wooden cross.

- I didn't mean to fool anybody! I'm sorry! I don't even know what I've done! I'm sorry!

- You don't deserve to be forgiven, princess.

And there he was, looking at me coldly as if he didn't know who I was and the one who announced the verdict for my punishment

- Please forgive-

I immediately shook my head to bring myself off from thinking about such an unpleasant picture.

I nodded and walked away from him, "Then I shall see you at dinner tonight, Uncle" I didn't even spare him a single glance but as I continue to make my way toward my room, my hatred of him slowly increases in each passing moments.

At dinner time, it was silent.

Even the white little puppy was silent, not making a single sound from eating. Surprisingly, when his father isn't present at dinner he would always brag about the angel he saw the other day but now he's silent to know that his father is here.

I guess I could spare some thanks for making today's dinner silent like I always wanted to.

"How was your etiquette instructor, Jeannette?" Mr. Alpheus asked, from the far opposite side of the huge dining table, so I calmly replied while slicing off my meat, "Madam Ludrick was an enjoyable companion to be, she's kind and gentle. So far I have no problems with her as my etiquette teacher"

Now he turned his attention towards his little puppy and asked, "How about you Ezekiel? How was your experience with your etiquette teacher?"

"She was alright,"

I wiped off the remaining stains on my lips and cheeks with the table napkin in a proper manner and stood up, "Then I shall go first and take a rest" I said, and quickly made my way out from the dining room.

Walking down the silent hallways made me feel like I could rest easy but I have no reason to rest easy yet. There might be enemies everywhere.

Just like the other day, I was almost assassinated by some unknown man in black clothing. Thankfully, this black magic is quite useful for the offense.

The sun rose due north today again and morning quickly came as I already said my goodbyes to the moon.

I did what I usually do every morning,

If there was, I would get rid of an assassin's body. Loot it but all I get was just weapons. Go to market with black illusion magic to make myself look different from my usual appearance. And I could shop for two to three hours before the maids would wake me up at 9 in the morning.

In the afternoon, I would meet with my tutors including Madam Ludrick that was in-charge of my etiquette lessons.

Oftentimes I would hear my tutors cutting off the lesson to talk about their experiences and what the outside world looks like. Seems like they have all traveled some parts of the world and came to visit other kingdoms and nations as well.

Isn't that awesome.

I am incapable of using teleportation magic yet and I couldn't even find the time to secretly go on a trip since there were spies tied around my neck every day.  Except for when they know that I am asleep.

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