Chapter 1

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Hello there, I am called Jennette Margarita. I am currently 8 years of age and I'm simply here inside Mr. Alpheus' study. Because I wish to learn more about the outside world that I was dreaming of traveling.

I have always been stuck here at home with nothing to do but lazy around and stare at flowers all day long. This is why I want to know more about what lay outside these home walls through books.

My so-called cousin, Young master Alpheus, is always crying that my ears could explode at any moment, even though the walls are already thick as it is. Always telling me at dinner that he had met a falling angel.

"Jeannette! I met a pretty angel today!" He says with a rather enthusiastic tone.

Ignoring the fact that he wasn't always like that when he was speaking to me. He must have taken a liking to this 'pretty angel' that he even broke the ice between us.

Mr. Alpheus always told me that I am a special person in this empire. And telling me that when the time comes I can proudly call myself the first princess in this empire.

Though it is very hard for me to believe it at first as it may sound oddly strange for me to be a princess, I had no other choice but to put up an act that he is more likely to believe that I was believing him.

Just like how he sees me like I'm a normal '8 years old' kid.

Unfortunately, I am not.

Ever since I can remember when I was a little bit younger than I was right now. I have always dreamt of a bizarre dream that always takes me by surprise. It was about another person's perspective, no, rather, a third-person perspective, it was like I was watching a magical hologram featuring two blonds with the same eyes that I have. A child and a grown man. There's also a redhead 10 steps away from the two. He looks like a knight.

They were happily having tea in their break and having a peaceful conversation.

And I could guess who these two were.

It is this nation's emperor, Claude De Alger Obelia, and its first princess, Athanasia De Alger Obelia.

It takes my breath away from just seeing them. Like there's a wall between me and them and I couldn't simply break off their happy relationship if I suddenly show up one day. Saying I was their long lost family member.

I don't even like the sound of me introducing myself as a princess.

Because it all sounds like trouble. Just by hearing the title itself brings heavy responsibilities and obligations that are far from my capabilities.

Maybe to others, being a princess is fun because you can have everything you have in the world, be it the most expensive dresses and jewelries, the love and affection of your citizens, and a prince charming in a white horse. 

But in reality, being a princess is a lot more trouble than you think it is. You have to study all day long to become the perfect heiress to the throne. You have to worry about your reputation so that you won't humiliate yourself in front of others. And many more.

There's also this other dream that's been bothering me as of late. It portrays the image of the emperor and a person who looks exactly like him. That I could guess that the other man may be his brother.

It's strange for me to ask this to myself but I could guess that this man is also my father. The previous emperor before Emperor Claude took over the throne. It's a strange feeling but I am certain that I'm not Emperor Claude's first daughter but his niece, to be exact.

You may as well be wondering why I knew all of this, though I'm still a child.

As I have said before, I'm not your typical 8 years old kid.

"Because I can remember my past life."

Typical lines are they not?

In my past life, I've lived like a princess, in a world unbefitting to be called ordinary. It is a world besieged by a technology called science, instead of magic, like in this world.

I was the heiress of the most infamous company in the nation. That's why I could sympathize with the responsibilities of being a Princess.

Thinking back to those times,  I was a workaholic, I was always working day till night, worrying about the company after my father passed away. And even though I'm past 20 years of age I still haven't found the love of my life. Since all my thoughts weren't focused on falling in love yet.

Anyways, I don't plan on following whatever may Mr. Alpheus tells me to do. And I also don't plan on babysitting his crybaby son. I didn't reincarnate to be a nanny.

"Lady Jeannette?" A maid knocked on the door, waiting for my response.

"Yes?" I nodded, closing the book I was reading and putting it back on its shelf.

"My lady's new etiquette teacher, Madam Ludrick is currently waiting in the drawing-room" 

So it's about that time. I guess I should at least take a look at her face at least once, right? I should be mindful of my elders. She seems quite strict as I have heard from the maid's gossips.

She's the famous wife of the count of Lewin but prefers to be called Madam Ludrick when she's teaching her maternal surname. Already at the age of 50 where she also teaches her grandchildren etiquette too.

But I am confident enough that my etiquette is decent enough as I have learned proper etiquette back on earth in my previous lifetime.

But I can't blame that the proper etiquette in this world is rather different from what I have learned. Anyway, let's meet our new etiquette teacher.

Madam Ludrick is the etiquette teacher that Mr. Alpheus assigned for me, I supposed she's going to include the Imperial etiquette for future events too.

I can remember Mr. Alpheus telling me the other day in a disturbed manner, "You mustn't lose to the princess, be the perfect princess, alright? Do you understand Jeannette?"

Arara- Mr. Alpheus really is a big worrywart. though, I don't have any plans to win or lose to the princess. Well, where's the point? 

The maid opened the big double door as the room entered my field of view.

I swear, I'll be the one to open the doors next time it's just I don't have the strength to open it right now.

A lady of old age yet has maintained her natural and young beauty sat elegantly while drinking tea basking the sunlight alongside her shadows.

I was taken back by her first impression to me, though she hasn't said a single word I can tell that she's a very respected lady in the high society. Of course, I held myself back from showing my stunned expression to her and immediately displayed my respect.

I diligently bowed down as I slightly lifted my skirt with my right foot behind. As I calmly expressed my calm words by speaking in a very steady tone and with a smile on my face, "Good day to you Madam Ludrick, it is my pleasure to meet you"

Slowly looking straight at her eyes as I quietly observe her movements. Madam Ludrick looked back as she stared from head to toe as if she's grading my first performance. Of course, as you can see my etiquette class has already started.

(A/N) hello hoomans!

TAM is here again to write another wmmap Jennette fanfic. Entitled as 'Jennette Margarita' my previous Jennette work 'You made me do this' has been a failure as of late and I couldn't think of any possible routes to make.

Always my new fanfic work is now here, I'll be sure to update more often hope you like it! If it is alright >< please comment some story arc suggestions so that this fanfic will continue to serialize.

I love you hoomans!

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