chapter twelve.

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Taylor couldn't help but skip through the house for the rest of the evening. Everything was okay with the baby, and she had been right. They were having a girl. She smiled just thinking about it. She'd gone up to the bedroom to find Benjamin, who was seemingly sound asleep on the bed. She sat with him for a few moments, her hands on her baby bump. She was going to have a daughter. How special and amazing that was, she couldn't even comprehend.
There was so much to be happy about, right in this moment. This chapter of her life was her favourite so far, and she never wanted it to end. She'd been writing in a journal for the last couple of weeks, because she wanted to remember everything. She didn't want to forget a single detail. So she sat on the bed, pen in hand, and wrote down the events of today.

Once she had finished, had written so many words that her hand began to cramp, she put the journal back on the bedside table, and looked at herself in the mirror again. Taylor never thought she'd see the day where she wouldn't hate everything about herself. Even she could see how much she was glowing. She'd FaceTimed her mom yesterday, and Andrea could notice it through the screen. Taylor just couldn't stop smiling. Her happiness was infectious. She just couldn't believe that she was here. She did a little excited dance, before sitting back down on the bed. She was just so happy. She loved Joe, and together, they were going to have a daughter.
She went back downstairs, a wide grin still on her face. She could hear Joe singing quietly to himself in the kitchen, and she stopped to hear what exactly he was singing. Initially she thought that he was singing Exile, because they'd worked on it a little bit recently, but it was a song they hadn't sung before. 
"But if I just showed up at your party? Would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself, or lead me to the garden?" She was instantly in love with it. She loved the way he sung it, loved the way that he sung it so softly, yet there was so much power in it. "In the garden, would you trust me if I told you it was just a summer thing? I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything... but I know I miss you." He turned around to face her, spatula in hand. "Oh! Hey," he grinned.
"What were you singing?" Taylor asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Oh, that? It was nothing." He blushed, looking away. "It's just something I've had in my head for the past few days."
"It most certainly was not nothing, Joe! That was so good! Will you teach it to me? Do you have any more of it? It sounded like it could really be something!" She kissed him, and he laughed.
"It's really nothing, Taylor."
"Nope, I won't hear it. After dinner, you have to teach it to me. It sounds like it could... you know, be a good song for the album if you'd like to share it!" She smiled, and he nodded.
"Alright. I'll show you what I've got." He said, turning to check that he wasn't burning the food. "It just came to me - initially I was like, wow, this could be a good poem, you know? But then I heard you playing the piano the other day and it inspired me to get a bit creative." He kissed her cheek, and handed her his phone. "This is what I've got so far. I don't have any proper names or anything for the characters... but I think that it's all kind of interlocked with what you've written with Cardigan." Taylor hadn't thought like this before, and the way that Joe thought about all these things excited her. "I feel like this girl that the narrator is talking about, is the girl who is singing Cardigan." His words hung in the air, and Taylor felt a spark of excitement. "So I've only got what I was singing a few other phrases here and there, but surely between the two of us, we'll come up with something."
"A love triangle," Taylor murmured, scrambling to find a piece of paper. "We could write about a love triangle."
Joe smiled as he watched her mind work magic. It really was magic, you couldn't deny it.
She started scribbling words down. "The girl they're talking to, the girl who's party they're showing up to and asking for forgiveness... that's..."
Taylor tapped her fingers on the bench as she was thinking. Her eyes widened with an idea, and she pulled her phone out of her pocket. "I'll be back in just a second!"
Joe just laughed. He loved that woman so much. There wasn't another person like her in the entire universe and he was lucky enough to get to do this with her.

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