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"Fuck, Harry, I don't know where they've gone," mutters Simon, patting his pockets on his black jacket as I sit next to him in the car. Squeezing my eyes together, I rub a hand wearily over my face.

My eyes dart to him and fury flows through me, "You're kidding, right?"

Simon as his gaze followed to my glare, slowly let his mouth fall into a grin. I feel like I could kick him, "Don't do that to me."

"Harry, loosen up! You're marrying the love of your life!" Simon grins before his eyes follow to Jamie who sits with a look of grimace on his face at the talk of love.

The eleven year old rolls his eyes before looking at me, "Dad, he's right though. You're being annoying."

I replicate his eye roll and ruffle through his hair, a grin falling onto my face as he does as well. Looking at him, I sigh contently, watching him with complete admiration. My mini me.

"Why didn't we just walk?" Simon asks with amusement as we pull up to the church that overlooks the sea. I shrug because in all honesty, I have no idea, my parents only live down the road. Jamie gets out of the car as he sees my parents standing by the church talking to some of their friends.

"Can you believe how far you've come?" Simon says to me as I step out of the car after him,  straightening my tie. Both of our eyes follow after Jamie as he hugs my Mum, a grin falling onto his face. "I'm so proud of you."

"You sound like my dad, Simon." I retort with a smile before I place a hand on his shoulder, "But thank you, I appreciate that a lot."

"You better considering I'm your best man." He chuckles. As he turns, he visibly cringes. "Oh god, here comes the parade."

As he points forward, I laugh as everyone walks towards us, wearing suits and sunglasses to block out the Guernsey summer sun. They're all laughing, grinning and bringing a bloody racket with them.

"I'm getting married in half an hour!" I shout excitedly to them once they stand in front of Simon and me. After a beat of silence as they had anticipated me saying something.

With laughs and whoops, the guys pull me into a group hug. My heart warms as I think about how perfect it all is, my friends, my family, my true love and our children. All here on this day on the island where Sally and I met.

As church bells start ringing, the anxious feeling pushes into my stomach as if the words weren't enough to make it a reality. I need today to be perfect, for Sally. We'd already spent too long waiting to get married, raising our children in London on top of both of our careers.

"We should probably be getting inside." Simon says. as he placed an arm on my shoulder. He looked to the five other boys in front of them, "As ushers we're all slacking if we're not there to greet people, right?"

With a nod we make our way to the church, the boys picking up orders of service to hand to guests as they walk into the church. As Simon and I walk to the front, I see a post it note on the pew from where I'd say last night at the rehearsal.

Harry, my darling. I missed you last night. It felt weird that you weren't there with me. But, good luck today, I'm sure you'll make a cracking groom. PS when you see me, I'm expecting you to cry so I'm not the only one blubbering. Love you.

With a grin, I slide the Post-It in my jacket pocket, glancing to the back of the church as guests arrive.

Sally's POV

"Oh my god, this is so stereotypical." I tell the girls with a laugh as I stare down at the stick in my hand. Eva grins, tears brimming her eyes as she looks at me and Freya watches with a face of adoration.

unfortunate timing | wroetoshaw fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें