Chapter 10

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In the Auditorium

"Why don't you play me some more of your song?" Nini asks Ashlyn.

Ashlyn begins to play "Wondering".

Seems like a part of me will always have to lose...

Nini stands as Ashlyn continues singing, really listening to the words.

If I had everything, would it mean anything?

Nini joins in and sits down.

Maybe I should turn around and take the other road. Or maybe I'm just looking for what I already know...

Ricky walks in.

Feels like I might have broke the best thing that I had. I said too much to ever take it back...

The song ends and Nini takes a deep breath.

"We're back," Ricky says after a little while. Nini and Ashlyn look up.

"What?" Nini asks.

"Ms. Jenn," Ricky responds. "She wants to see everyone in the bomb shelter."

They hold eye contact for a second before Ricky walks out.

In the Bombshelter

Ms. Jenn is opening a package in the middle of the room. Nini goes in, puts her stuff down, and walks toward EJ. Ricky watches.

"Hey," EJ says to her. "I missed you. Where have you been?"

Nini looks around before looking at EJ. "What?"

"Before you came here," EJ says.

"Oh," Nini responds. "Umm... I was hanging with your cousin."

"Really? Why?"

"Nothing weird. Just trying to get in good with the family."

Gina looks at them then looks back at the group. Ms. Jenn finally gets to the middle of the package.

"Is that a garage door opener?" Seb asks Ms. Jenn.

"No, Seb," She replies. "This is Gabriella's phone from the original movie." Everyone gasps.

Gina walks back towards Nini's things. She goes into the front pocket and takes her phone, putting it in EJ's bag. She stands closer to the door as everyone goes to find their scripts.

EJ went to his bag and found her phone. He turns to Ashlyn and mouths "thank you" leaving her confused.

"You're welcome." Gina turns and walks toward him. "We want the same thing. But it's going to take a little teamwork." EJ looks around skeptical. Gina walks away.

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