Scene 3 Oliver Queen

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    A month has gone by and the police have stopped harassing me about being the green arrow. They never even got close to finding out anything that would lead them to me. Captain Lance did a great job at throwing the SCPD off my trail. Barry has been going nuts not hearing all the details of what has been happening but talking over the phone where the police can pull evidence is something I have been weary of, even with Felicity around to fix that problem for me. 

    Iris helped me plan a surprise trip to Central city so I can see Barry. We planned out this whole afternoon and night for us. I will show up before he gets home from the CCPD and make him his favorite dinner, after that we can go to the store and grab some of his favorite snacks while watching a movie he likes. I feel bad for not being able to talk to Barry much this past month….and making him worry about the entire situation while he is working two jobs in Central city. I just want to make it up to him for not being the best boyfriend lately. It is currently coming up on eight months of Barry and I being together and I finally feel ready to tell Barry I love him. 

    I am on the bus on my way to Central city, I nervously check my watch hoping this bus wouldn’t make me late and ruin the whole surprise but for once this damn bus was early! I got off the bus and Cisco was there waiting to pick me up. “Hey! Oliver!” Cisco waved me down and I walked over to him. “What’s up man?” he asked. “I thought Iris was going to meet me here….” I was nervous that Cisco was the one greeting me today, I haven’t told him about Barry and I yet….unless Barry told Cisco about us. I felt this knot in my stomach start to form even thinking about it. “Soooooo, are you nervous for the date night tonight?” Cisco said while nudging me with his elbow. I almost puked when he said that, he did know, god I wish he didn’t know. “How- how do you know about that?” My words were soft and cautious. “Dude, I am Barry’s best friend I have known since day one, plus Iris told me why I had to pick you up since she is helping her dad with the baby shower for Cecile” Suddenly it made sense, of course Barry would tell his best friend of all people.

    I got into Barry’s apartment and got straight to cooking (note: haha see what I did there?). An hour and a half later I was plating the food when I heard the keys in the door start to move, I finished plating the dinner just in time to stand straight up and face Barry while he came in. 

Barry opened the door and didn’t notice me for a moment until he stopped taking off his shoes and looked up at me. His eyes grew wide and he practically pounced on me to hug me. He kissed me hard in excitement. “What are you doing here?!” Barry exclaimed, I let out a small chuckle. “ I wanted to surprise you since things have been so rough lately. Barry kept hugging me and smiling, he couldn’t get over the fact that I was here, so much so that he didn’t notice I made his dinner.

    Once Barry calmed down a bit we sat down to eat. The man was eating like an animal, he was starving from work that day. I know that speedsters are like bottomless pits so I made sure to make a shit ton of food so I could have a decent meal and Barry would be full and make sure there were no leftovers after he was done. I laughed slightly and got out the snacks and started pulling up the movie while Barry went to get changed into pajamas, I haven’t even told him I am spending the night yet. He walks back into the living areas in green pajama pants and a black hoodie. He sits on the couch, “What are we watching?” He asked. I just started the movie and sat down next to him putting one arm around him bringing him closer to me. He laid his head on my shoulder.

    By the end of the movie Barry was practically in my lap, I had my arms wrapped around his waist and upper body The end credits started to roll and we both slowly started to get up from the couch. My legs were asleep so I stumbled when I stood up and Barry helped catch me a bit, we both laughed and looked one another in the eyes. Barry has the most beautiful eyes and I just love him so much. It was getting late so we started to go and get ready for bed, I was sitting in bed reading the news making sure John wasn’t having too much of a hard time taking over as green arrow for the night. 

    Barry finally climbs into bed with me and I shut my phone off, “Hey” I said smiling and kissing him gently “Hey” he said back in his cute and soft voice. “I need to tell you something” I mumbled hoping he wouldn’t hear it but knowing Barry, he did. “I-I love you” I said while looking Barry in the eyes. “I love you too Ollie” Barry kissed me gently, I kept kissing him, soon I laid him down on the bed….you can guess where this went after that. 

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