scene 1 Oliver Queen

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  My plane had just landed in star city, my team and I had taken a trip to russia to see my old friend Anitoli. The trip was last minute and my phone wasn’t working so I was well aware that the moment I landed I was going to be confronted by a worried and angry Barry Allen. I knew how he reacted to these things, he hated it, he would get worried and then angry, he never stayed angry for long. He never had that in him to stay angry for too long. 

    I walked off the plane after the rest of my team to make sure there was nothing left behind on the trip. The moment my feet hit solid ground Barry came running at me, half speed of course, he ran straight into my arms, normally when people show affection to me like this I quickly become uncomfortable but when it is Barry showing affection to me I can’t do much but let my heart melt at how adorable he can be at times. I had a bag in hone of my hands so with my free hand I gently draped my arm over the man hugging me a little too tight for my liking, 

“Sorry I made you worry.” I spoke quietly, just loud enough for Barry to hear but not my team who were watching us from ten feet away. 

“I hate you sometimes” Barry said in an angry whimper as he released me from his hug. 

“Oh, come on, you don’t hate me.” I chuckled knowing he was exaggerating. 

    Barry looked at me with big eyes filled with anger, worry, and a hint of releaf. He knows I will always come home to him. He helped me with my bags and he went back to the bunker with me and the team. On the ride there he was asking all kinds of questions about what was going on and why I had to leave so suddenly to Russia without telling him about it first. I made up some lie about how I was just going to see a friend and it was hard to tell him because he is too busy fighting meta-humans in central city. 

    Although Barry is the flash and he has his super speed, he is still a kid to me when it comes to being a hero, he needs more experience before he can even begin to understand what my team and I are up against. I know if I were to tell Barry about what we are dealing with in star city he wouldn’t want to do anything to help. I would say no and then he would go on a long rant about why he should help me because he is my….my….my boyfriend. I’m still not used to saying that, it has been a year and calling Barry that is still something I’m not used to. I haven’t told many people I am bisexual, not Thea, Roy, John, none of them. The only people who know are Felicity, Iris, and Kurtis. 

                                                          ~ later that night ~ 

    Barry had decided he didn’t want to run back to central city so he stayed the night with me. This wasn’t unusual, he often found any way to spend the night with me. It was kind of cute, I got to make a great dinner for the two of us and we watched a movie, a simple night in, nothing better than that in my mind. 

    Right as I was getting ready for bed Barry had sped into the room…..full speed, messing up the perfectly clean room, he was also getting ready for bed. “Clean up after yourself!” I yelled from the bed and there was a whirlwind of scarlet lighting all around the room and everything was back in its right place once again. Barry stopped running and slowly climbed into bed with me. He laid down close to my side and I put my arm around him, then he rested his head on my shoulder and I kissed the top of his head. He was already dozing off for the night. I looked at him and smiled, I never thought I would love a man so much until Felicity and Iris forced me to meet Barry on a blind date. I watched Barry sleep for a few minutes before drifting off into a deep sleep of my own, knowing there were only going to be more missions to go on tomorrow and that Barry would have to run off to central city again to help his team. 

    My eyelids felt heavy and my thoughts became more and more cloudy, for once I let myself fall into a deep sleep. After the hell I endured in Russia, I am more than happy that barry is here with me now. 

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