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It was excruciatingly hard at first. I couldn't get him out of my mind. But I do think that I'm finally over Draco Malfoy. I thought I loved him. But now I know it wasn't meant to be.

One month later -----

I was walking calmly through the halls of Hogwarts when a thought occurred to me. I was over Malfoy. He did not consume my thoughts every waking hour. He did not take over every decision I made. I admit, I miss him. A lot. But I can live without him. I found my life a lot less stressful, though, when I was his girlfriend, life was incredible. I'm just relieved that he doesn't affect me like he used to. Just over a month ago, I could not bear the thought of living a life without him.

I had reached a particular stair case that brought back many memories. I remember this was where Dra- Malfoy and I talked about certain rumors spreading around the school. Then, I was suddenly pulled under them when I looked away.

"Ly?" I recognized that voice immediately. That voice, that smell, it was all too familiar.

"Draco?" I realized I didn't call him Malfoy like I told myself I would, should we ever cross paths. But... he had called me "Ly".

"Ly! Lyra, my star, I missed you. So much. I-I can't live without you. Ly, I shouldn't have left you. I'm sorry." I was startled by it all. Of course. The moment I move on, he comes crawling back.

"Draco-" He interrupted me.

"Lyra... I love you." His eyes looked sincere.

"N- No... No you don't. You're lying." Tears began forming at the tips of my eyes. "Y-You don't! Stop lying, Draco!"

"I'm not lying, Ly. I really really love you." He held my hands, looking deep into my eyes. "I knew since the moment I met you..." I shook my head.

"No, Draco. No... Don't do this to me. Don't build me up just to tear me down all over again. Don't lead me on. You've wronged me too many times. So don't do this to me. Not again." Several hot tears streamed down my face and I wiped them off with my sleeve.

"Ly..." Draco started.

"A-And... don't call me Ly." I shook my head and looked down at our hands. They were still intertwined. I knew at that moment, that challenging and heart-breaking moment, that I had to let go. "I'm sorry," I whispered to him.

Then, I let go. All of the heartbreaks, cries, laughs, joys, stolen moments, nicknames, jokes, kisses, nights under the stars, all of it. Gone. As if nothing had ever happened.

Before Dawn II The Official Sequel to After Dusk II A Draco Malfoy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now