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"Draco," I mumbled. I must have been a bit too loud for Draco heard me and looked up. I ducked behind the bookshelf, shielding myself from his sight. "It's actually him," I whispered to myself. As I began to turn around to see him again, something banged against my chest. "Ouch," My face scrunched in pain. I looked to see what had hit me. There was a lump underneath my grey sweatshirt. It was my golden locket. The one Draco had given me for Christmas. The locket I used to try to persuade him not to leave me. I never take it off.

I gathered up every bit of courage I had and walked up to his table.

"Ly... ra?" He didn't call me "Ly." It broke my heart a little. "What are you doing here?"

"It's the school's library, Draco. Do I need to remind you that I still attend this school?" I admit, I was a bit harsh on him. But, honestly, he deserves it.

"Right..." he mumbled.

"Alright, then. Since there's clearly nothing you want to talk to me about, I'll be going then." I turned my back.

"Fine... Fontaine." My heart shattered. Last name use...

"Goodbye," I almost choked on my tears. "...Malfoy."

I walked back to the table. As I held in my tears, I managed to spit out to Hermione that I needed to go to the bathroom. Without question, she let me go.

And then, I sobbed. It felt like hours but I cried till I felt as though I were empty. Within that time in the bathroom, I poured out my feelings.

"I knew it." I whispered. "I knew it. He doesn't love me anymore. Our whole relationship... H-He acted like none of it even happened. What's gotten into him?"

I sobbed, my tears of pain streaming down.

"H-Has he forgotten about us? O-Or am I just not good enough for him? I don't understand!" I sniveled.

"Lyra?" I looked up to see Luna. I took in a breath, stopping my tears. "I heard what you said." She walked over to me and sat next to me, wiping a tear off my cheek. "I think Malfoy loves you. He just doesn't know it yet. That's the funny thing about love. You don't know you're in love until you find the one that's perfect for you. The only problem is that Malfoy pushed his away."

"T-Thanks, Luna." I walked up to a sink and rinsed my face with cold water, attempting to wash away any sign of my cry.

"Do you feel any better?" She questioned, tilting her head in curiosity.

"Um, yes. Thank you, Luna. But I honestly don't think Draco loves me. I don't think he ever will. It's more than time I accept this." I breathed.

"A-Are you saying that you..."

"Yes, Luna." I broke her off. "I think I'm finally getting over Malfoy." 

Before Dawn II The Official Sequel to After Dusk II A Draco Malfoy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now