Chapter 5 | Closer

Start from the beginning

Tommy choked on his breath, making my gaze fall onto him immediately. I cock an eyebrow. "You good?" I ask, leaning in a bit to check up on him. I notice that I couldn't even see the blonde and that I was just completely leaning in to see nothing but his dark silhouette. Before I backed away, I notice briefly, some of his facial features. My eyes widened. The lighting of moon had slightly and only slightly, lit up the shadows of his face. I traced out the shape of his face with my eyes, and the round tip of his nose. It was almost sharp, yet round like a button. I breathed out amused. Although I can't see the more finer and vaguer details of his face, I was satisfied with what I got.

I felt a breath slightly blow on my face and my eyes widened. How long was I staring? How long had I been leaning in? My eyes flickered upwards to see that my field of vision was covered and that the tall dark looming trees were out of my peripheral vision, the night sky scarcely visible.

"(Y/N)?" Tommy mumbled after a bit. I flinched at the sudden closeness of his voice. He was much closer, and his voice was soft, as if to not scare me. I gulp, screw Julia for fucking up my mind. She made it sound like I had a thing for Tommy or that what happened was intimate. And if she were here, I wouldn't give her a chance, nor the word to say it.

I cleared my throat, and backed away immediately. It was too awkward to keep the position. "Y-yeah?" The blonde also quickly clears his throat and chuckles awkwardly as well.

"You spaced out there for a bit.." he states. I laugh quietly, and nod fidgeting with my hands in my lap. What the fuck just happened? Honestly, I had thought Tommy just accidently did something. I was just checking if he was alright, how the hell did we get so close? I gulp as the heat starts to spread through my cheeks. I shake my head. I won't do this shit right now, it was an honest mistake. I sigh as I recollect my thoughts, and nod to myself.

"I- why did you choke on thin air? Have breathing problems or something?" I ask through the silence, trying to lighten the mood. Tommy chokes again and bursts out laughing, signaling that I had successfully lightened up the mood at the slightest.. His laugh, as infectious as it is, makes me laugh along, the rather intimate moment now pushed aside. The blonde slaps his leg, and runs a hand in his hair after catching his breath.

"No, you prick. I just- your best friend is American?!" he exclaims in surprise. I cock an eyebrow, but my mouth forms an 'o' in realization. He doesn't like Americans. I burst out laughing again making him scream. "OH MY GOD WOMAN, FOR CHRISTS SAKE PAY ATTENTION" he scolds. I snicker and stop laughing as he ordered.

I shake my head in disbelief. "What's with you and Americans Tommy?" I ask amused. He scoffs. I can literally feel him roll his eyes. I roll my eyes back.

"What do I have against Americans? Woman, if we showed up in war we would be using fucking swords" he states. I cock an eyebrow in confusion. "And how does that relate to anything?" I ask, trying to find any relation. He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs, annoyance blatant.

"IF THEY SHOWED UP THEY WOULD HAVE GUNS! LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?" Tommy screams, making me howl with laughter. I choke on the air, and gasp. Is that what he thinks? Sure, they would but who the hell wouldn't? The other country would have like, bombs and nukes, and you would be fighting with swords and shield whilst mounting horses? I think not chief. If they had tanks while we had fucking stallions I would have called the whole thing off.

"But Tommy, not all Americans have guns!" I argue, still laughing a bit. He huffs, "You wouldn't get it" I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, I don't think I will. But about Drista, she was pretty cool. She got me most of the time and I felt like I could just be me around her. The moments we spent together is what I cherish and when we bullied her brother it was hella funny" I chuckle. Talking about this makes me feel all melancholic, maybe as if she died, which sounds pretty stupid considering she's very much alive.

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