(27) A Golden Bride, Rosy Thoughts and Walls Fallen

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*Ambar's dress is in the picture above*


The sky was dressed in frills of clouds, its sunlight specking out of places, like glitter spots on a dress. The sun hidden but not quite, allowed the breeze to collectively sway around Islamabad.

"Be careful," Eshaal nibbled her nails, watching Dawood take out the dress bag from the car bunk, she held it from him, taking the bag into a protective embrace.

They stood at the hospital's parking lot, the wild winds flapping over their clothes.

"I'm glad we've reached on time," Nani sighed, following Eshaal towards the glassy hospital doors. "A good nap taken back in the car was just what I needed."

"So did I," Eshaal nodded fondly.

Meanwhile, Dawood let out a sigh of relief, locking the car up.

Zara waited by the side, till he pocketed the car keys in his jeans' pocket, and walked over to her. Her eyes stared up at the whipping sky, her arms folded around her.

In moments when she had nothing but herself to collectively couple thoughts, and when words escape one's lips, staring at the sky for a sincere message up in the clouds is enough to console one's soul.

Ya Rabb. You are the One who created the sky and the earth with so much beauty and balance. Yet life seems so unbalanced right now, only You can help us, guide us, and allow us to see the wisdom behind Your doings, and let us be grateful and happy for the outcome of all of this.

Let us find the Truth and be satisfied like pure believers for Your Sake.

A concerned voice pulled her back to reality, and Zara snapped out of her dear daze, meeting her forest orbs with chocolatey ones.

"Is everything alright?" Dawood asked, peering over at her.

"I like to believe that..." Zara whispered.

Dawood did not saying anything at once, beckoning her to follow. They directed themselves to the hospital doors, their shoes simultaneously slapping the rough, grey pavement.

"But sometimes, it's tiring, right?" Dawood's head tilted thoughtfully.

Zara blinked on, wondering where he was getting at.

Dawood did not take long to answer her questioning eyes. "It's tiring to be both patient and in a good mood for those around you, when inside, you're worrying."

"Are you a mind-reader, or, what?" Zara wearily smiled, starting to walk beside Dawood after Nani and Eshaal. Two pairs had distance between each other, each lost in their own conversations.

"Married over three years with me, Zara. Bold of you to ask this question now." Dawood said, feigning disappointment.

"Well, you can be a good expression reader, too." Zara looped her arm with his, as they stepped inside the hospital, the smell of fresh mint reaching their nostrils.

She looked around, the smile sliding off her face at the sight of the patients. The doctors and nurses walked down the halls, all in a hustle and bustle, while the patients, sat aside, speechless, and patient of their pain.

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