“ mbuso is going to kill us thembi please, let’s let her go!. I don’t want to be part of this anymore!”

“ oh my God! Can you for once just grow some balls Preston!. Have you forgotten that they took me away from you huh?, they then killed me and left me to die at a dumping site!. Have you forgotten all of that?. Don’t you want your revenge on them?. ”

“ but she didn’t do anything. It was them!. ” he says.

“ Oh now you say?. She matters to them. You told me that everyone loves her she’s this golden child everyone adores and it would kill them if something unfortunate had to happen to her and we are about to do that my love. You and me!. Vuvu keep watch outside for anything!. ” vuvu leaves.

I scream again and now my back feels like it is going to snap in two. I wail, I sob, I scream and cry my lungs out but the pain is too much, it really is too much!. Mbuso please come cause I can’t do this! I can’t hold on for too much longer.

“ she’s losing too much blood thembi, she’s going to die!. ”

“ hey voestek wena man!. Does it look like I fucken care what happens to her huh?!. Now give me that knife and let me take out those kids! ” she's crazy, this woman is crazy!.

“ No!. I will do this!. I will take the kids out.!. ” Preston says and I scream and try to kick my legs but they are cuffed tight on the bed.


We are driving around Emnambithi and each minute going by feels like a minute closer to my wife’s death. My fear grows with every minute. Sicelo is talking but I don’t hear a word he’s saying. I should have killed thembi myself. I should have went with sbu and made sure that she’s really dead. “ mbuso! I need you here with me dammit! ”

“ I have this fucken fear at the pit of my stomach sicelo. Something is wrong with her. It’s very wrong. ” I feel like I’m losing my mind and why is this damn car going so slowly. “ stop the car!. ”

“ What? ”

“ you’re driving slowly!. Stop the damn car!. ” he stops and I get out and I begin to walk. I see two young boys and they are talking. I take out my phone and stop them “ sure majita? ” I greet them

“ sure uncle. ”

“ kunabantu engibafunayo Lana. Anikomboni losisi somewhere lana ekasi? ( there are people I’m looking for here. Have you see this woman around here in the township? ) ” they look at her photo and they shake their heads no. I sigh. “ have you heard or seen something that doesn’t really happen around? ”

“ Eh uncle?, you know earlier like we heard something that sounded like a gun shot but I don’t know maybe it’s the taxi drivers fighting again. ” nope I don’t think so.

“ Can you show me where you heard it coming from? Take me where you were? ” they nod. “ let’s get in the car and you can show me.” They look hesitant.

“ look guys, I’m only going to tell the both of you this. Someone kidnapped my wife and she’s pregnant. The person who took her is crazy and I want to find her before she hurts her. ”

“ We will help you uncle. Let’s go. ” I nod. They get in and we drive down the road and pass two streets. On the third Street they tell us to stop. “ we heard it coming from here in this street, somewhere around these house I think. ” I get out of car and the first thing I notice is a house that has a very high wall. She’s there. I know she’s there.

“ Sicelo, she’s there!. ” he nods. I open the glove compartment and take out notes and give it to them. “ thank you uncles. ” they both say.