The Woods

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If you couldn't tell, I changed the title. It's gone from Trust Me to Adventure Though His Heart. It fits my end goal for this story better.

Kirishima's POV

We all transformed in to our dragon forms. It was so freeing! It was like I was finally able to stretch after sitting down for a long time!

I, being the manliest here, decided to let our new friends ride on my back. I was going to quickly fly them down.

There was just one problem. Midoriya didn't want to get on. He kept shaking his head and mumbling about a fear of heights. He was scared of heights? (Honestly same)

After about 5 minutes of trying to coax him on, I let out a huff. We were losing daylight and my Wearlemates had already flown and reached the forest. They were already in their human forms too!

It was bad enough that I could do a barrel roll, but now my entire flight was being put off!

Bakugou eventually just grunted and got off of my back. He went to Midoriya who was still mumbling out nonsense. He reached out, grabbed Midoriya and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He then proceeded to climb back onto my back, trying to keep a hold of my slick, red scales.

He got a good enough grip and I walked over towards the edge. Everything looked many times smaller in my dragon form. It made me feel so manly and powerful!

I spread my wings and allowed myself to glide to the dense looking forest. I felt all the knots and kinks in my wing muscles unfurl.

Midoriya kept shrieking like a banshee. Now I feel kind of bad. Bakubro could've at least covered his eyes instead of dangling him over my side. I looked back to see Bakubro purposely holding him upside down. I made a noise of disapprovement, but was having a hard time containing my own laughter.

We reached the forest and they slid off my back. It'd be best to find something better for them to hang onto. Neither my Wearlemates or I have those spiky spines like some dragons do.

I could see Bakubro's smirk. My friends were all laughing while Uraraka and Iida were comforting a tearful Midoriya. He was whiter than a ghost could ever wish to be.

"Bakubro! That was so unmanly!" I said with a small chuckle of my own.

"He was asking for it. Now come on, we already lost a lot of daylight. We need to get going." He said, his smirk quickly disappearing and reappearing as his usual fiery scowl.

He never said anything about his new nickname.

Bakugou's POV

I could honestly care less about what Dumb Hair called me. Yeah, that's right, I already nicknamed him. His friends too. There's Dumb Hair, Raccoon Eyes, Soy Sauce Face, and Dumber Hair.

I've got nothing better for Tetsutetsu.

I was amused to find out Deku was afraid of heights. It gave me a chance to mess with him. One of these days I'll help him get over this fear, whether he wants to or not.

We all walked through the woods, stepping on crunchy leaves and sticks. I looked behind me. Dumber Hair was right there. He was the leader before, so it makes sense that he wants to be closer to the front.

Behind him I saw Deku constantly being unable to dodge the tree branches. They kept hitting him in the face. I internally laughed at this. He was such a dork.

We decided a break was in order when we found a nice, cold stream. We all cupped our hands in the water and splashed our faces with it, washing away the sweat and grime. Well Deku was also cleaning his fresh face wounds.

"Deku, you were supposed to duck under or go around the branches." I said while handing him a patch for the rather large scrape on his right cheek. It reminded me of my own injury that those wolves gave me. Mine was healing nicely.

"I know! I tried! I really did, but they'd always come back and hit me anyways!" He whined. For some reason I thought his whining was adorable.

I saw both Pink Cheeks and Raccoon Eyes looking at me. Their faces were scaring me and made me shudder. Pink Cheeks was scary just by herself, but now adding Raccoon Eyes into the equation? I need to be more careful or they will both easily unwind my true feelings.

I finished helping Deku patch himself up. He had insisted that he helped me check my own wound. Just as I thought, it was almost all healed up. Another few days, and it will be completely fine. It will be nothing more than a scar.

We all began walking again. We walked on and on until night.

That night nothing eventful happened. Unless you count Deku sleeping so close to me as something.

Words-799-(without author's notes)
Words-844-(with author's notes)

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