•chapter 8•

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I'd been hanging out with Harry, Ron, and Hermione for most of my time now. The Slytherins took this as treachery. At least they started acknowledging me though. I guess that's a plus. We were heading down for Care of Magical Creatures. It was our first class being taught by Hagrid since the beginning of the year.

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"I still can't believe Sirius Black's your godfather!? I mean, how ironic can that get?" Ron babbled.

"Oh shut up Ron, Harry's already stressed enough. He doesn't need you winding him up even more." Hermione snapped at Ron with her 'please shut up' tone, causing Ron to immediately stop talking.

They had just come down from Divination and I had come down from Transfiguration. I wasn't taking Divination, but clearly, according to Hermione, I was lucky for not taking it.

"Honestly, if you ask me Divinations a really wooly discipline. Now, Ancient Runes, that's a fascinating subject." Girl how many classes was Hermione taking? I could barely get myself through the 4 classes we had in a day.

Wait. Maybe my brain's spasming, but isn't Ancient Runes held at the same time as Divination? How the hell is she getting through it? I mean I know Hermione's fast, but not that fast,.

My thoughts were quickly voiced by Ron, " Hang on, that's not possible? Ancient Roos is at the same time as Divination? You'd have to be at 2 places at once?"

"Don't be silly Ron! How can someone be in 2 places at once? Broaden you eyes, use your inner eyes to see the future!" Hermione mocked professor Trelawney's voice and speaking style causing Harry and I to exchange chuckles and Ron to scowl a bit.

It was a bit suspicious though.

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I pulled the giant monster book out of my bag and looked at it intently.

I don't know what I was doing ok? I somehow thought that if I stared at it hard enough, it would open without going off like a fucking maniac. Sadly, it didnt work. I smartly decided to hold off on trying to open it for now, just in case something happened. Neville, on the other hand, wasn't as bright minded.

"You're supposed to stroke it!" Ron called out with a chuckle watching Neville's disheveled self perk up from the book's teeth with a face of pure terror.

"Yeah?!" He replied breathily.

"Shut up, Malfoy." Ron and I's attention immediately diverted from Neville to the situation on the side. It was as if the Slytherins were on one side with Malfoy and his posse's at the front and the Gryffindors were on the other, with Harry, Ron, and Hermione at the front. I, on the other hand, avoided the whole stand off and observed from the side.

Malfoy and his posses whistled with their smug faces and exchanged devious looks. Oh god. Blondie then looked Harry up and down, in a mocking way. Slowly, his smug expression changed into something that looked like fear?

"Dementor dementor!" He calls out, purposely making his voice shake as he aggressively pointed to something behind Harry. This, obviously, triggered chaos within everybody on the "Gryffindor side", causing everyone on the "Slytherin side" to burst out laughing.

Yep, I know. Confusing.

The whole petty feud between the 2 houses was broken up by Hagrid clearing his voice to get our attention. We all turned our heads to see Hagrid's beaming face, full of pride.

"Dun d-dun dunnnn!" He jazzed his hands out, showcasing a gigantic, horse with wings?

"Hagrid? What is that?" Ron asked, with a mixture of disgust and fear.

"That, Ron, is a hippogriff. First thing you wanna know about hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do. Now, who'd like to come and say hello?"

Everybody immediately bounced back with a few gasps of horror. I, who was standing at the front with Harry wasn't as repulsed over the beast. Compared to the supernatural world, this was nothing. I didn't even notice that Harry and I were the only ones standing at the front, automatically volunteering for the introduction.

"Well done Harry and Clara! Great of you two to volunteer!" Hagrid exclaimed loudly. Only then, did I whip my head back to see that everybody was miles behind us. (Obviously that's a bit exaggerated.)

"Come on now," Hagrid beckoned us to come forward, which we both did after glancing at each other uneasily, "Now, stop there and wait for him to come up first. It's only polite." He nodded over to us as if that was an obvious factor.

Harry and I cautiously moved forward and stopped at the patch that Hagrid had told us to stop at. We waited, uneasily, for the hippogriff to walk up to us. You could hear a pin drop. The hippogriff eventually moved forward, catching everyone by surprise. Instinctively, Harry and I both moved backwards, accidentally stepping and snapping a twig on the ground in the process. I froze, instantly, and my breath hitched in my throat. Harry's heart beat also quickened.

"Back off, you two. Back off."

We slowly backed off again, but to our amazing luck, Harry snapped a twig. Yes. I know. Our luck is impeccable. Once again, we immediately froze with fear.

"Keep still. Keep still." Hagrid warned.

Suddenly, the hippogriff lurched forward, causing everyone to gasp and hold their breaths. I shut my eyes, preparing for the Hippogriff to attack, but was met with nothing. I opened one of my eyes, but instead of seeing an attacking hippogriff, I was met with a hesitant hippogriff. Slowly but surely, the Hippogriff lowered his head and bowed down to us.

"Well done guys! Well done!" Hagrid began clapping his hands, which led to the whole "Gryffindor side" and a few peeps from the "Slytherin side" to break out in a weak applause.

"Right now I think you should go pat him. Go on now, don't be shy." Hagrid egged us.

Harry and i exchanged uneasy looks before nodding and reaching both our hands to pet the brute.

I lifted my hand from the hippogriff's neck and then looked over at Hagrid for a little verbal confirmation on what to do next. I, however, was definitely not expecting the next thing to come out of Hagrid's mouth.

"Alright now, you two. Why don't you try riding him."

I choked on the air. Yeah, my dirty mind is just delightful. How lovely.

Before I could process anything, though, I was quickly lifted off my feet and was placed on the animal's back, behind Harry. The animal howled, in displeasure before flapping out his gigantic wings, preparing to fly. He lifted off his front legs, leaning back on his hind legs. Before I knew it, we were up in the air.

And we were off.

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"WHOOOOOOOOO!" Harry yelled out into the cold, empty hair. His voice echoed back twice before completely disappearing into the wonders of nature.

Everything was beautiful. Just everything. The crisp air breezed through my hair, lifting it off my shoulders, and letting it float through the air.

This really was a dream. A really spectacular fucking dream.

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To Be Continued....

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A/N: Hey guys, this was like a filler chapter, I guess? I don't really know what this was, but don't worry. The drama will come in the next chapter. I promise. Also, I'm so sorry if there's any grammar issues in this chapter. i wrote it in a bit of a rush, so please let me know if you see any!

Word Count: 1364

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