Wait, What?

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I'm staring at Dylan, in the middle of the woods during day time. We are going on a little hike. I don't remember planning this, I don't even remember coming here.

I feel a wet drop on my nose. It started raining. We laugh and run for shelter. We find an old light house and sit on the hard ground until the rain passes by. I shiver, because of the cold, wet clothing.

"Are you cold?" He asks, as I nod. He brings his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. We stay like that until we hear the rain slowly fade away.

"Looks like the rain stopped. Come on." He says as he extends his hand out for me to get up. I grab his hand and when he pulls me up he doesn't let go.

Wait, What? Did I just cuddle with my best friend? A friend that I have liked for a while now?

I'm just going to let it slide. He probably didn't even feel the same way, right? I stepped onto a log as he stayed on the ground, still holding my hand.

He stopped me and turned so I would face him, about a head taller. He smiles and says,

"You know, you look really pretty in the rain." he says with a smile. I blush. Does Dylan like me, or is he just being a good friend because I'm just too nervous to tell.

He leans in. I lean in. He is going to kiss me. This is it.

He suddenly backs away, no emotion in his face. I give him a confused look.

"Wake up." he says in a quiet tone. What?

"Mary Jane..Wake up." I stared at him, so confused I couldn't form words.

"Hey! Wake up!" He said again and started lightly shaking me.

My eyes shot open. Was that.. a dream? Noo! It was going so well! Why!! Who woke me up?

I look over to see Dylan. The boy I was going to kiss. He smiles when he sees I'm awake, mocking me without even knowing it.

"MJ you have to go home, your mom is going to worry." he says in a whisper. I roll over and shove my head into the pillows, his scent filling my nose. Dream come back. Please come back.

"Janie get up." he says, standing up, impatiently waiting. I roll back over.

"But I don't want to, I'm tired." I say.

"You mom is going to be worried." he says as my phone starts to ring. He looks at me with the 'I told you so' look. God he's so.. friendly. And friends is all we will ever be. I pick up the phone.

"Hello." I say as my mom replies with:

"Hello honey please come home it's late." The usual mom tone. Dylan leans toward the phone.

"Sex, sex,sex, marijuana, drugs." I shove my hand in his face, hoping for him to stop. I'm surprised he didn't make moaning noises or anything.

"Okay I'll be there in a minute, bye, love you." I said and hung up. I stared at Dylan, and he had a smile on his face.

"I would kill you but I have to go." I said and got up.

"Maybe another time." Dylan says and lies down on the bed. I smile and walk out his room, and home.

Is this stupid little crush ever going to pass over?


This was so short wow I'm disappointed haha

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