Here we go

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Mary Jane's POV

I walked home with Dylan, a smile on my face. I won. I can't believe I won the bet. Well I do believe because his argument was stupid.

We approach his front door as he takes out the keys.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home and I have Mary Jane woo! Yay party hahmhmmh." he says as he walks upstairs, pretending as if it were exciting news. I laugh and plop on his bed while he goes to his computer. Usually he hates people on his bed, even his dog. But he just got used to it and didn't bother to ask me to get off anymore. Mary Jane 2 Dylan 0.

"What should my username be?" He asks while staring at the computer.

"Hmm.. umm SuperCoolMovieKidd1000, two D's." I laugh,"Please that would be so funny!"

"No. No no no. Not SuperCoolMovieKidd1000. Maybe like, moviekidd then a number."

"You should do a date. Of like, importance. Ooh do the day we met 8/26!" August 26. Our school just had to start earlier than everybody else. That day changed my life. Just that one day. Weird to think of it like that.

"Really? Okay, you were part of the making of this channel." he says, hiding a smile. I started blushing. Why am I blushing ugh.

"Okay so moviekidd826. That's the saddest shit I have ever seen." I joke as he looks at me dead in the eyes. I raise my hands in defense, and he just smiles. I can always make him crack. He is so good with straight faces but somehow I can always make him smile, even if he tries his hardest.

"Should we make our first video?" He asks.

"What would it be of? Would it be comedy or like embarrassing..or both." I say, and smile at Dylan, sitting in the chair next to him.

"We should do a music video!" He says with a bit too much excitement.

"Okay, what's your favorite song?" I ask, already knowing he is going to say You Owe Me an I.O.U by Hot Hot Heat. I know it's not his favorite song but he mastered it on the drums and he thinks it's funny.

"You Owe Me an I.O.U., Hot Hot Heat." He says and looks up all of the lyrics.

"Okay so we would need more people.. Maybe one more. How about Max?" I ask.

"This is going to be amazing." he sarcastically says, while I laugh and plan the fun.

"Okay so Janie your the lead singer, Max your guitar, and in the drums." Dylan says as he sets up the camera.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I say to myself.

"That makes two of us, Janie" I hear Max whisper. I laugh as I grip onto the microphone. Dylan seems a bit too excited for this, but I'm not complaining. This is entertaining.

"Hey! Only I call her Janie!" He yelled strictly and jokingly, pointing his drum stick at him. Max shrugged it off. "Places. Okay and action!" He yells as we start singing the song. We shot things outside and in the bathroom. The bathroom scene was funny. I was 're-applying makeup makeup' as said in the song, and Dylan was dancing behind me and all around me as I ignored him. He even lifted his shirt a few times. It was difficult to keep a straight face, to say the least.

We plot down at Dylan's desk. Sadly there are only two chairs, and max has one. I squeeze into one chair with Dylan, no elbow room. After a whole two hours of editing, we finally upload. The three of us just sat there, staring at the upload button. I reached over to the mouse but Dylan grabbed it and held it.

"No I have to upload it its my channel." he says while not letting go. I blush and he brings his other hand over and clicks the button. after a minute or two it uploaded. Open for the world to see. I smiled as I got up and lied on Dylan's bed.

"How come she can lie on your bed but I cant?" Max asks as he rolls his chair over to my part of the room.

"I worked hard for this spot. That's why." I respond truthfully. Max looks over at Dylan waiting for some sort of response. Dylan just shrugs and nods.

I start to play with the slinky on Dylan's night stand and my eyes get droopy, then I fall asleep.

Right before I get into a deep sleep, I hear Max ask,

"Do you like her?" In a whisper.

"Um, well I ki..." And then I'm asleep.

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