Practice Mission Part 2

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Once she said her goodbyes she went to the hall and she was told where to go. 

It took her a bit to find the rest of the recruits but once she did she ran right up to them.

 The trainer led them all into another spaceship, the trainer was female who had short brown hair and was styled as if meant to look inspired by American actress Kirsten Stewart short hair and she was wearing a violet-colored space uniform which had a badge that says " S.A.U.C. Trainer " and had her hamlet in her hand which had stickers and signers on it. 

She has a mix between almond and golden skin with a smile that a sporty girl in amine would have. As she leads everyone in the spaceship she said

 " Alright everyone put on your hamlets as you enter we gonna go to another station that needs a series of problems that needs to be fixed at the moment no one there because it has an oxygen leak so we're gonna need out hamlets on during this practice mission and most of your future mission you'll gonna have to do this to "

 she went on telling everyone what to before putting on her hamlet and closing the door of the spaceship having it go out in space where the abandoned station is. 

The Trainer then sat down next to our character as to turn to and ask " what's your name Miss? " 

she responded by saying " Persephone Athens " she said smiling

 The trainer nodded " nice name mines Cynthia fucking Diaz " she said 

in a cocky tone as she tried to shook Persephone's hand but when Perse went to for her hand the spaceship shook a little making slide in her seat and ended up bumping her hamlet with Cynthia's she lean back a laugh at Persephone and grab her by her hand and shook it 

" your clumsy one huh this will be fun seeing you do your mission " she teases. 

Persephone got flustered at what had happened and chuckled nervously " heh- yeah sorry... " she then reset herself to sit up straight in her seat. 

The woman chatted a bit more before the spaceship got to where the station that was broken down needed to be fixed.

 Persephone and the others got ready to getting or making the oxygen tanks were full afterward they enter the broken down station Persephone looks around but made sure she stayed close with the group.

 The trainer leads everyone to the cafeteria she then hands everyone a list of tasks as she does she says " Heres the list of tasks I gave you along where to find them if if you need anything please ask around for me I'll be walking around checking for everyone " After she was done passing everyone's tasks she sends us everyone off. 

Persephone then looks at her tasks she then thought to herself that she should do the hard ones first so she walks off in the direction of the reactor.  

" Ok then let's do this- " she would say was made her way to the area.

Time has passed 3 hours and 53 seconds to be sure Perse had done her task along with the others as trainer help and gave them tips and tricks when everything was said and done they made there back to ship which took them to the headquarters/dorms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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