Running into the Past

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After my transformation into the beautiful goddess who I am, we sat down and had the talk. 

No I dont mean the one about sex, periods and boys. I mean the one about my past and who Theia is. 

This is quite overwelming to me honestly I don't know what to do but from what I have gathered so far I am very powerful and I am destined for great things. 

"Theia is a name hand chosen by the the moon goddess, it is derived from the greek" Flo explains. 

"What does it mean?" asks Xavier. 

She smiles."It means light, so basically anything from the sun."

"Can you elaborate?" I asked.

"Theia is the light in the darkness, so example she makes the blind man see"

"So my mate can make blind people see?" Xavier asked.

" Not necessarily, Theia is part of the species of titans. In greek all the gods and goddess had names that explained their power of what they are known for. Theia is also known as Euryphaessa which means wide-shining. She is the Titaness of sight and light and by extension the goddess who endowed gold, silver and gems with their brilliance and intrinsic value."

"What does the history of Theia have to do with Theia"

"What? That dosen't make sense" Luca laughed. 

Xavier pouted. "You know what I meant"

"To know the powers she possesses you need to know her grandmother."

"So her gandmother which is who?"

"Theia is the the daughter of Selene" Flo states."not her earthly mother and father."

"So Selene gave me up" I said sadly. 

" No your mother didn't give you up. As a spirit she couldn't bear a child physically so she needed a vessel, someone she deemed worthy to take cure of you till she came back for what was truly hers which is you" she explains. 

"Ok continue"

"So Selene's mother, your granfather was human. She asked for forgivess and was given the role of goddess of light." 

"Ok now I am lost, who forgave her" Olive asks eating a pack of mimi  cookies. 

"Children you don't know half. Its  time to tell you a little story. Do you know God?"

"Yes he is the creator of humanbeings." Xavier said. 

"True but in a way he also created all the other supernaturals. Some time ago Selene lived in a beautiful garden with her parents who were the first creatures to exists. Well the first humanbeings. So he gave them one rule to follow which the failed to obey. He told them not to eat a certain fruit but they did , all of them ate except Selene. Her parents and brothers were asked to leave the garden but selene was permitted to stay. She bonded witha  wolf and God gave her control over the moon and the mother to us. Selene's mother apologised to God and he rewarded her as the godess of light and sight. She was called Theia." she finished. 

"So what happened to my uncles and granfather." I asked.

" No one knows what happened to the boys but your grandfather left your mother because he believed that God shoudn't rule us and we should rule ourself. He will never die, he will age and look old but never die. God punished him." she finished. 

" Ok that makes sense with her history and origin so can we move on with my mate's history. " Xavier asked. 

Flo nodded. 

" Theia is very powerful, because of her mom she has the power of the moon, because of her grandmother she has the power of light and sight. She is also blessed in handling all types of weapons but ha sone special one. She has a miracle wolf which I will explain later and because she is kind and loving. God blessed her with the power of the sun" she finished. 

"Wow that's one powerful girl." Olive said. 

"Yes she is, so many people want her but they don't know what she looks like, her mask kept her well hidden but now its pretty obvious with her long shiny blonde hair signifying the power of the sun, her bright blue eyes signifying the power of the moon and her halo and shining glow signifying the power of sight and light. The power of light is very powerful. Not to mention this" she states picking up a beautiful staff, its very long and s gold in color with precious stones at the front. 

"This is her staff of light, its the most poerful artifact in the world but its completly useless to all of us because its made for her and her alone. When its thrown it returns to her. It only obeys her voice and command." she says. 

"Wow, ok this is awesome."

"So what is she meant to do" Xavier asked. 

" What do you mean sweety." Flo said. I dont like how she is behaving with my mate. 

" Every powerful being as a purpose." he stated. 

"True but her is not now, we need to train but the battle is not now. Right now she has to amke people pay." she said evily. " Ok so Olivia, Luca and Xavier, keep her safe. Theia is naturally shy and that would never change. She can also be very sassy and that too will never change." she states. 

"Now that this is over with, lets hurry we have a meeting to plan and a ball to attend in 2 months."

And with that she vanishes. 


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