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Just as I keep my book I am slammed against the locker and I close my eyes waiting for the person to hit me knowing it was my bully but it never came "Hey what are you doing?".............
I hear my bully say and I open my eyes and see jimin holding my bullys hand stopping him from hitting me.
"Yah let go of me!!" My bully says, (bullys name is max I did not mention it but now I'll use that)
"Who do you think you are, bullying students huh?" Says jimin
"Let go of me or you will end up like them you are a new student you don't know how I am I'll make your life hell, LET GO OF ME!" says max.

Jungkook gets scared because he did not want other students to get in trouble because of him so he tries to stop jimin but jimin punches max before he could say anything.

Jimin Pov

I was walking with tae because he wanted to have lunch with his new friends and if they are nice I won't mind making them my friends too.

We were walking to keep our books in our locker when I saw a guy slammed who I think is jungkook against a locker and saw jungkook close his eyes. I saw the guy was about to punch jungkook and I quickly ran and held his fist from hitting jungkook.

"Let go of me!!" He says but I do not listen anger boils inside me I hate students like these and I punch him in the face. He stumbles back I look at jungkook who looks scared. The guy launches himself towards me thinking he can do something slow, humans.

"Yah how dare you touch my face Imma sue you" he says and try to punch me but I dodge lets finish this quickly I think and punch him a little hard for him to go unconscious.

"Well problem solved lets go have lunch guys" I say and taehyung high five me and I look at jungkook who looks a little scared.

Jungkook Pov

Jimin saved me but he punched max so hard he fell unconscious, I am kinda scared, but on the other hand he saved me I should probably thank him.

I look at jimin "Hey, thank you for saving me from max" I say looking down "it's totally fine after all we are friends now" jimin says while smiling and we all walk to the cafeteria together.

"He saved you jungkook he looks nice" said jin hyung smiling, I smile back and we reach the cafeteria and all sit on our usual table with Taehyung and his friends.

"Ah I forgot to introduce you guys to my other two friends" taehyung says while gesturing to his two other friends. "This is namjoon hyung" he says gesturing to the one on his right he had purple hair and smiled when taehyung introduced him showing his dimples he looked really good.

"And this is Yoongi hyung" he said pointing towards a mint haired boy who surprisingly looked pretty good in the mint hair he looked towards us and gave a short smile and turned back. "And you already know jimin" he said pointing towards jimin.

We all enjoyed the break and it went pretty well and I got to know all of them and their personality pretty well and they all seemed nice.

And all the classes went by normally with no one bullying me which I was glad for and then we all headed back home.

Hello guys it's your author-nim here, I am really very sorry for late updates. My exams are coming up and I need to study the updates will be slow but I'll try my best to do it as early as I can.

I hope this chapter is nice and I'm sorry if it's not good I'll try my best to make the story nice and work harder on it and when my exams will finish I'll try to update more often.

I love you my bunnies thank you for supporting me.

Your author 💜💜💜💜

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