Listening. (Lucifer)

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Summary: Your boss had given you a terrible day and you ranted about it too Lucifer. All he wanted was a nice dinner with you, in a sense he got it

TW: Swearing (sorry if I miss labelled this)


You couldn't believe the day you had just had at work. Your boss made you stay in later than needed probably just to torture you. He had said that there was paperwork that you had missed out on when you took a day off, turns out you missed a mountain of paperwork and emails. For some reason your boss didn't like you and naturally you would assume he would fire you but no. You couldn't just quit because it was the best paying job you had ever had.

You angrily stomped out of the elevator and into the penthouse. Lucifer, your husband had been patiently waiting for your return since he had prepared a special dinner for the two of you too enjoy when you got back. When he saw you stomp in he knew something had happened, something bad.

"I swear to the god, you won't believe the day I've had!" You yelled running your hand through your hair.

"What happened, I suppose it's something serious if your bringing dad into it" Lucifer asked.

You turned to look at you husband, fury evident in your eyes.

"My boss kept me in five hours longer than I should've been in work! and to top it all off I had a shit ton of paperwork to see too and emails!" You rambled.

Although that spiked a little bit of anger inside of Lucifer he was sad that you didn't notice the little dinner that he had set up for the two of you. He knew that you wanted to tell him about your work day so why not over a dinner.

"Eh darling, how about we talk about your day over a beautiful meal?" Lucifer said quite seductively and he walked over to you and guided you to his little set up.

"O-Oh Lucifer I'm sorry I didn't notice this looks amazing"

No wonder you loved him. A man that would cook you dinner and surprise you with it, it gave you butterflies in your stomach.

As the gentleman he is he pulled out your chair for you.

"M'lady" he cooed.

You let out a small laugh. You watched him as he glided over to a bottle of champagne and popped the cork off the top. Picking up two glasses he poured the shiny liquid around in the crystal glass. When he walked back over with the glasses your eyes lit up with excitement, you really did need some kind of drink in you after the day you just had. Once he sat down the glasses he gave you a warm smile.

"So what were you saying?" He questioned as he sat down.

It was your turn to question him.

"Oh right! Well my boss gave me piles and piles of paperwork, can you believe that! He said I missed it all on my day off but- why are you looking at me like that?" 

"Oh nothing darling, continue please" he grinned.

Little did you know he was admiring everything about you.


A/N: thank you for reading the last one! I hope this one was also enjoyable lol. Sorry if I miss labelled the TW.

(Authors Note) ^

- requests wanted!

- B

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