Bella sat there for about ten minutes just looking at her lap crying, her body still remained naked. She felt vandalised, harassed and humiliated all at once as he tears started to choke her up. But with one small cough her through was cleared, she wiped the cold salty tears from her cheek and chin and stood up sniffling.
She walked over to the vanity table and looked inside the drawer that Ace left open. She browsed the contents before pulling out what she needed and started to apply a light coat of foundation.

After a hour of hard work she was finished. She fanned her hands by her eyes, in attempt to dry her false lashes. Bella looked a herself in the mirror pouting her lips. She stood up from the vanity table stool and walked over to the bed to finally look at the dress that Ace picked out for her. When her eyes fell on it she was breath taken, it was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen.

It practically scintillated throughout the bedroom, sending bright white sparkles bouncing off the walls

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It practically scintillated throughout the bedroom, sending bright white sparkles bouncing off the walls. Bella picked up the dress by the shoulders and looked at it, she decided not to wear underwear and just slip the dress on letting her hair dangle down her shoulders. She then walked over to the closet, opening it and looking at the bottom for a pair of shoes. It didn't take her long to find a simple whit repair of heels. She put them on, fastening the clip round the angle and standing up to see how they fit.
They were perfect!

Bella then walked to the bedroom door taking a deep breath as her hand rested on the handle.

'You can do this' she told herself mentally.

Then after psyching herself up she walked out the room and down the corridor. The sound of her heels clicked and echoed as she walked at a fast pace trying to find the Lucchese's. But then a voice caused her to stop in her track.
"Excuse me miss Garcia, the house masters has asked for you in the vip lounge. Please follow me" a deep voice called out. It was a security guard.
Bella nodded and followed the tall man back down the same corridor she had come from. They walked for a little while before they reached a grande pair of dark oak doors.
The butler swung the doors open with a big push, and Bella's eyes was exposed to a huge sea of people dancing, drinking and just generally having fun. The music that was playing was slow and kinda had a romantic aura.

The butler ushered Bella through the crowed, and then going up a spiral set of stairs. When they reached the top, it lead to a small room which had a neon gold vip sign in front of the arched entrance. A security guard opened the red taped bollard for Bella and the butler, allowing them to enter straight away.

Then there they was, all sitting on separate sofas. It was as if she was a blip on her radar, their eyes snapped straight towards her.
First Vanessa stood with a huge smile on her face, "you look absolutely gorgeous" she said taking Bella into a huge embrace, her hand slightly grabbed Bella's ass.
Then when Vanessa finally let her go, Mateo engulfed her into his arms all in one, "I agree, don't she look drop dead gorgeous " he stated, showing Bella off to Ace.
Bella stood there awkwardly for a moment before Ace finally opened his mouth, "I think she looks amazing" he said with the most devilish smirk he possibly could, walking over placing a kiss on cheek.

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