Chapter 4

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"Tori, let me see your ID?" She handed me her ID, and inspected it to find the same thing. But the date on her was earlier than mine. She was technically older than me? "Look at out date of births and heights, Tori."
"What the heck? I'm born before you? What is going on....?"
"I'm not sure. I had assumed we were exactly the same height and age but.... this is very strange. We can revisit this later, see if anything changes." I regret bringing this up, cause she seemed very worried now. I didn't want to ruin the good vibes. Luckily the waitress had arrived with our wine. I wanted to ask for the whole bottle, but since I was driving I didn't want to get drunk. "Can I ask you something, back?"
"... Sure.." She had seemed a little worried about what I was going to ask.
"You've never drank, have you?" I had always intended to ask this question. I really don't want to push her buttons or get her mad.
"I haven't, no. Never really seemed like something I would like."
"Is that because of me? You can tell me honestly, or not at all. I just want to hear you out."
"Um, partly. But also all the dumb jocks and bimbos always talk about the stupid stuff they do when getting drunk. It just comes off to me as like unappealing, I guess. I just don't understand why people would want to do that to themselves. Seems... weird."
"I won't lie, in high school when your body doesn't really get as sick as it gets later on, it definitely is fun to get stupid. You open up more easily, since you're carefree in general. I've seen really shy people talk the whole night through when they got buzzed. You don't need to get blacked out every time. I personally always liked a buzz. Sometimes, getting more drunk is fun though. C'mon, be honest. There has to be a boy you're interested in, right? You don't have to tell me who."
"Y-yeah. There is this one guy..." she started blushing.
"I thought so! I would love to see you talking to him on the phone or texting or whatever."
"There's no way he'll be interested in me now! I'm 26 years old. Or, at least I look it."
"That's true, but I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of this. Go ahead, take a sip!" She took a big sip, and I can see her utter disgust. "Oh, gosh, you hate it. Luckily, there are different tasting wines, and also hundreds if not thousands of beers and liquors as well. I'm not trying to push this on you, or get you drunk or anything. But you might find 'your drink'. If you don't want  want, you don't have finish that. Alcohol is never fun at first." She closed her eyes as she tried to swallow the wine, and blinked her eyes a few times.
"Not... the worst thing in the world. I think I can finish this glass." She said, smiling and we laughed a little. Lunch was very pleasant. Tori surprisingly had another glass. She was even so much more chatty with and giggly with me now. Her bubbly personality was on full display, she was most definitely buzzed. Her cheeks were red because of the alcohol, making it super cute to witness her being drunk for the first time. We finished our lunch, which was delicious, and headed to the bathroom to take off some layers. Tori had jeans and a navy sweater underneath her snow clothes and an adorable ribbon in her hair that suited her hairstyle, while I had that outfit that was definitely more fit for a teenager. Seeing how mature Tori looked made me feel out of place in my outfit, but Tori couldn't stop saying how "hot" I looked, while I was complimenting her outfit. Tori had always been more modest compared to me. At the time, I really thought that since I was younger, I could pull this off but perhaps I wasn't young enough... or in the right season.
We started going to all of the big stores and nothing really stood out more than anything. We had a great time with each other, but I had mentioned we shouldn't buy too much clothes just in case we find a way to reverse this spell or she keeps growing/I keep shrinking. She agreed that had made sense so we limited how much we bought. The only few take aways from this was a few times, we had some college kids come up to us. I tried letting Tori handle it, and she was definitely a lot more comfortable talking to new people. She genuinely made some good jokes that made us all laugh. One thing I learned about Tori is that she is totally a dork! But in a cute way. I thought that maybe they were just laughing to try to get into our pants, but one of the two guys seemed to take a really big liking to her. We talked for probably 30 mins as they sort of followed us (not in a creepy way, we had made it clear we were ok with it after they asked for permission to get to know us some more) through out Nordstrom. At one point to me, it had become obvious that one guy liked me, while the other liked Tori, so I had suggested splitting up. I was a little worried before doing so considering it was two adult men and Taylor was a little drunk and I wasn't quite over my hangover. But Nordstrom was very busy around holiday season, and these guys really did seem like good people. The guy I was with, Justin, was very attractive although not quite my cup of tea. I did this more for Tori, who I caught blushing several times Evan complimented.
"Justin, I would honestly appreciate your opinion on some of these outfits, but I don't want to lie to you. I suggested splitting up more for my.... sister." I had almost said "daughter" there. Had to catch myself. "She's a lot more shy than me, and Evan seems to really like her. I can tell she is definitely interested in her. You see like a great guy, but I don't really feel a spark. I didn't want to lead you on, so I hope being honest upfront is ok with you."
"Yeah, no, yeah. I totally appreciate that. Although, I won't lie, I am a little disappointed for sure. You're a great gal, and Evan's my best bud. He was captivated by your sister the moment he saw her, and I couldn't take my eyes off off you either. I was hoping something would work out, it almost seemed too perfect."
"Ohh, Justin I am sorry." I had placed my arm on his bicep. This was something was doing a few times already, hoping Tori would notice subtle things you can do with body language. I don't think she has much, if any, experience with flirting. Not sure why I didn't it here, perhaps it was subconsciously.
"Ah, well it is what it is. I have to respect your wishes, right? Anyways, I think your color is totally pink. Do you have any pink sweaters at home? This one would look great on you." Justin seemed to take it very well, which made me feel worse about not giving him a fair chance. Admittedly though, I didn't feel anything. I wonder if it was because I wasn't sure if I was gonna get any younger, or what but there was no spark for me.
As we were leaving, we kissed them each on the cheek for being so nice. Even after I had told Justin what I did, he still really put the effort to help me out. He even insisted on paying for my sweater and a dress for me! He called it a Christmas present. Of course I had gotten his phone number. Seeing how kind he was made me want to give him another chance, maybe I wasn't in the right headspace when I met him, since I was focused more on Tori than me. He was funny, good looking as I mentioned earlier, and a gentlemen. It would all depend on if I didn't get younger and smaller though. Evan had bought something for Tori too that he picked out for her. Once we had parted our ways, Tori and I started talking about them naturally.
"Oh my gosh he was so nice!! Of of course so hot! He's super into fitness. If these are the type of guys at the gym I should have started going with you a long time ago!" I didn't have the heart to tell her that most the of the guys, at least in my experience, are douche bags at the gym. At least the ones that approach me. "He had really good taste too! Those heels got me are gorgeous. It's just such a shame he has a girlfriend."
"Wait, what?!"
"Yeah! Justin didn't tell you? Evan was asking for my help to get him something I think his girlfriend would have liked. He said I reminded him a lot of her."
"I know this classic pick up like that goes something like 'you look like my next girlfriend'. Where the shoes he got you what you had picked out for her?"
"Haha oh gosh no. He got her a beautiful dress that I picked out. He showed me pictures of her and all."
"That's.... so weird. Justin said Evan was 'captivated the moment he saw you'. I had figured he was single trying to get to know you."
"Noooo. Maybe Justin was lying? What did you tell him?"
"Well I told him you seemed interested in him, so I suggested splitting up to give you guys some time to yourselves. And, well, maybe I might have told him I didn't really feel a spark between us."
"Really?? Evan told me he was wing-manning for Justin!"
"Oh, gosh I feel so bad! That explains why her got me a sweater and a dress! If I don't get younger I'll have to message him!"
The other instance was after we had parted with the boys we just met, we went to Forever21. I had known for while they had some collaboration with Barbie, so I tried very hard to avoid that area. It was a nickname I had gotten a lot growing up, and I never really liked it. Unfortunately, we made our way to that section, and Tori's buzz hadn't worn off yet. Maybe she was drunker than I had thought.
"Mo-, I mean Barb look!" I had told her to start calling me Barbara or Barb. "This is so perfect for you! Since you're like a little Barb-ie doll." She had grabbed a Barbie velvet mini dress. "And it's pink!! It quite literally almost has your name on it." This is why I wasn't a big fan of the nickname. It's just lowing hanging fruit.
"Aww, thank you, Tori! It's not really my style though. It definitely is cute!"
"Ohh but this would be perfect for Halloween!"
"In.. 10 months? I might forget by then!"
"True, but I dunno, I think I actually really want you to have this. I'll pay for it." I am not sure why she was so insistent, but I decided to let her have get it for me. Even if her paying from it means the money is still coming from my bank account. But growing up I got so many Barbie dolls growing up, been called Barbie so many times, even though I did like her as a kid, I was just over her. Seems like she always finds a way back into my life though. I wanted to get her something so we could match and I wouldn't feel alone in wearing Barbie branded clothes, so I got her the drawstring joggers and pullover. This instance stood out for just how weird it is. Tori never really expressed any interest about anything related to Barbie before, so it just felt out of character.  We had visited a few more stores, had a few more guys chat us up, but Tori's buzz was starting to wear off, and I noticed her slowly get back to her awkward self, although definitely more open to talking to others than I have ever seen her be.
We decided it was time to go back home at around 5 and it was already dark out. I asked Tori if she wanted to stop by anywhere before we went home, and she said not really, so threw all our bags in the car and headed straight there. After I put all my new clothes away, I had sat down on the couch in the living room and waited for Tori since we agreed to watch a movie. She came out in the Forever21 outfit I had just gotten her and struck a pose.
"This is actually wicked comfortable. The fleece feels so nice and warm. I almost regret getting you that dress instead of something more practical!"
"Ohhh, don't worry about it!" I hated to admit it, but I never intended on wearing it at all. "Come, sit here next to me. We need to pick a movie." After browsing Netflix's horrible selection, we settled on 17 Again, the Zac Efron movie. Neither of us had seen it in years, I had even completely forgotten about it, but oddly enough it was the only movie either of us really wanted to see.
"Ooooh, wait,  Barb! Let me make some popcorn for us." Something about her calling me "Barb" at home felt wrong, but it didn't bother me enough to say anything. Once we had finished the movie, she had asked me if I would enjoy being 17 again.
"Like in this movie? Where I just wake up 17 one day? I mean, it would be interesting. But I don't think we know of anyone that we could move in with and to take care of us and all! But, I don't know, it could be fun going through high school again! Y'know, not have to worry about work. Maybe. It would be super fun with you that's for sure. I kinda lost my chance to be young when I was being so careless when I was younger, a second try with you by my side sounds interesting." After the movie, I decided to start working on what I had to do. I had spent about a day and a half with Tori, which was absolutely worth it, but I had to put my nose to the grindstone now to make up for the time. While Tori would typically be in her room avoiding me, she had taken an interest in my work finally. Of course she knew what I did in general, but not what I was working on now. I had explained to her that I was head of marketing for this company that i have been with for almost 20 years. It was my first any only job. They pay me well enough to give Tori and I a comfortable living, but if we got this next project we were working on off the ground successfully, then I could pay for all of Tori's college and not have her take out a single loan. Her scholarships were a huge help too. She seemed almost surprised at me saying that. "Even though we aren't the closest a mother and daughter could be, I will still give everything to see you succeed. I know I could have been a better mother to you, but this work is what allows me to provide for you, the better I do, the more I can give you."
    "What about my dad?" That was the first time since she was probably 9 since she asked about him.
    "Your father never wanted anything to do with you. He is a piece of shit. The only time he ever fought regarding you was to lower how much child support he paid. All the money he ever gave me and will give me for the few more months you're 17 I put away in a college fund for you once my work provided enough for me to cover all my expenses. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to do the math I had you when I was 18. I was young, and stupid, and I had met this hot guy and I thought he was the one. Mistakes were made, but the moment I found out I was pregnant, I knew that I had to grow up, for you. For the first time in my life, I had real responsibilities. I called up my parents and thank God they were willing to let me live with them until I could get on my feet. They had insisted to the point where they were almost begging to let them raise you while I went to college, fully funded by them. "
    "Why didn't you?" She asked after a long pause, while starting to tear up.
    "My mom wanted me to lie to you. To tell you that she was your mom, that we're sisters. She wanted me to go far away for college and stay there afterwards. I couldn't do it. I thought about it though, I won't lie. I cried so many night before and after you were born, wondering how was I going to do this. But the moment you were born, I knew I couldn't give you up."
    "And I've been so terrible to you, think you were the bad guy."
    "You had every right, to be honest. I wasn't really that great of a mom in terms of being there for you. My mom was super controlling, so I tried to be more of relaxed mom. I am insensitive cause I am a very blunt person, so I am not the best at thinking before I speak a lot of the time. I am definitely flawed. But I will never not care about you."
    "I mean I'm not the perfect daughter either. I know you care about me but I act like such a bitch to you."
    "Yeah, but that's part of growing up. You're young. You're still figuring out who you are. You still becoming yourself. You don't really think about how I was once in your shoes and that you're the only one going through what you are going through. It would be terrible of me to let that shape my opinion of you." Today had been going so well that I had forgotten the predicament I was in. I mean, of course I was aware of it, but it was not something I was actively thinking of. But as if almost on cue, a strange man had knocked on the door.
    "Barbara. Please, let me in. I know you're in there with Victoria. There is something we must discuss."
    Tori and I just stared at each other, worried and confused.

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