Chapter 3

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    I definitely did need to go to the mall to get some clothes, but I needed to figure out just how small I had gotten. I searched around the house for a tape measure and eventually found one. After a few attempts I was able to get a solid measurement of 5'6". Well, just shy of 5'6", actually. I made my away to my closet, I figured 4 inches should still allow me to use some of my clothes. Admittedly, I could have saved myself a lot of trouble, and money, but just using a spell to reduce the size of the items in my wardrobe, but I really did swear off magic. The temptation to use it was always there. But I had realized that it was such a crutch, and the larger spells came at a detriment, as I had learned the hard way, so I figured I was better not relying on it or using it. I had gone through almost my whole wardrobe to find something that would fit me as best as it could. After all was said and done, I wanted to go see how tall Tori was, because she definitely did not seem to be 4'8", but insisting on this matter when she already stated not to see any changes might only lead to another argument so I went back to bed since I still was feeling a little hungover and since the mall was not open yet.
I woke up a little over 3 hours later still not feeling well at all. I hate debated even going to the mall at this moment, but I figured its better to do it now than when something inevitably comes up and prevents me from doing so. I knew that even if Tori didn't see herself growing, or was faking that she didn't, she would need new clothes still. I made my way to her room and knocked on her door, fully expecting her not to answer. To my surprise she actually answered the door, and even more surprising was I eye level with her now. I hadn't even noticed how she had looked even older at this point.
"Ye... OH MY GOD, HOW ARE YOU SO SMALL NOW?!" I swear I had de já vu, but maybe that was just the headache Tori just worsened by yelling.
"Oh, baby please don't yell. My head is exploding. But this can't be right. Are you wearing heels or something?" I looked down and she was most definitely barefoot.
"Mom, how did you shrink all the way down to 4'8"?! This is so weeeeird!"
'Tori, I'm telling you, I don't think you're still 4'8". Come to my room, let me measure you." I grabbed her wrist, brought her to my room, and grabbed the tape measure. It was extremely odd being the same size of my daughter. She was still in her pajamas, and they're were absolutely much smaller on her now than before. There is no way she doesn't see it! "Yup, you're much taller now, Tori. 5'3"! Do you really not see how much taller you've gotten?!"
"I.... don't! Honestly. I just really thought you were getting younger for some reason, which is weird in it's own right! I don't know, I thought you used magic finally for some reason."
"Remember I told you that anyone who was affected would see the difference, so that means you were affected too, or I would have always been this small to you. And, no, this was definitely not me! And, oh my God, now that I look at you, you look even older now!" I had not remembered hearing her whisper when I was knocking on her door, but I could only imagine she was behind this.  I did not want to accuse her, however, and start yet another argument. This had been a repeating pattern. She is a really good kid, but we just argue about some really stupid things that just aren't worth it, mainly because I am more blunt than I should be with her. She could be so much worse. She could be me and how terrible I was with my parents. "There's no chance that you did anything, did you? You were understandably mad at me."
She looked afraid, or perhaps confused, for a split second, but that expression had become more doubtful as she started shaking her head. "No. I mean, I was practicing some new spells, but none of them should have affected our sizes or even our ages. I didn't have my wand, and I'm pretty sure I mispronounced half of those incantations. I really can't think of any spells that I practiced that would have done this." I really had no choice to believe her, since I couldn't prove otherwise.
"Well, can you measure me? I have a hunch we're the same size and age now. We can't really prove age, but...." as I put my back against the wall, my suspicions were confirmed. We were practically twins now. I had another hunch that the worst part of this was over, so I could live with being 5'3", especially if everyone already thought I was this size. I hope Tori has more confidence, although it would be very weird for a girl who looks like she is in her mid to late 20s to be in high school.
"I don't get it! What spell would make us the same size and age?! I swear I didn't read anything that would do this. I find it really bizarre that I'm 7 inches taller, while you're 7 inches smaller. I would imagine our ages would have adjusted by half the difference as well, so that makes us, what, 26?"
"Let's not worry about this now. I was going to call you to go to the mall with me since I need new clothes, and it appears you need some as well."
"Well, we could just, y'know." She waved her hand like she had a wand and was casting a spell "Make them bigger. Save a lot of money." Tori was always trying to get me to use magic in my life. Even if it was for more casual or practical uses like this, but I had done fine without it for such a long time in my life, I don't really miss it.
"Honestly, seeing the predicament we are in now because of magic? I would much rather go shopping. You can absolutely use magic on your clothes but... I'll have to pass. If you do want to come with me, well. I would love that, and I think we could have some fun shopping together." I have often invited Tori to spend time with me, and she always rejects it.
"Sure, that could be fun! Let me get changed!"
"Uhhh..., yeah! Take your time! I need to hop in the shower anyways." I wasn't sure if the spell had affected Tori's personality in any way, but she doesn't seem to dislike talking to me or spending time with me anymore. I was super happy as I made my way into my room and started showering. I think the excitement of spending time with my daughter for the first time in years made me take the quickest shower that I possibly could in fear that she would change her mind. I dried myself off, and wrapped myself in my towel as I tried to look for an outfit that would fit my much smaller body. The clothes I had set apart a just few hours ago was now much too big like the rest of my clothes. I was really tempted now to do what Tori was doing, but I decided to go see if she has anything that I could wear.
    I knocked on Tori's door, she let me in and we started discussing outfits. She even asked if she could do my make up. I was super happy about that, I almost cried. She had a small make up artist phase, but only ever practiced on herself since she never brought friends over. I had always offered to let her practice on me, but she never wanted to. It was funny, we felt like friends for the first time in years. We live in the North East of the US, so it was snowing pretty heavily. We put on a few layers and a heavy coat each before we head on out. I had a pink winter coat and hat and on while she was matching in purple. The spell she cast made them a little too big, but it was better than having them be short. I tend to get hot pretty easily, so under my pants, I had on a pair of Tori's shorts (which on me was more like booty shorts since she didn't resize them) and a normal t-shirt (which more like a crop top, for similar reasons). Luckily, Tori wasn't as thin as I was, so her waist was a little bigger, which meant it fit but was just short. I know they crank the heat on around the mall, so, as much as I didn't want to resort to using it, I wouldn't be surprised if I did end up walk around the mall in just that. Plus, it would make trying on clothes easier instead of having to take of several layers each time.
    We stood side by side at our mirror in the living room, and we just started giggling like kids. It was funny looking like identical twin sisters, right down to the matching clothes. We got in my car, and I spent probably 2 minutes adjusting my car seat for the first time since I got it, and we head off to the mall. The whole time I was driving, I was trying to take the conversation really slow and think about my responses not to set her off. I've tried doing this before, but I don't think she gave me a fair chance giving how I often I get her upset, so I understand. For the whole car ride, we were talking, laughing, listening to her music. I usually didn't like much of her music, but given how much fun we were having and even dancing, I found myself enjoying it. I honestly didn't want the car ride to end, but eventually we arrived at the mall.
I immediately felt that hot air hit me in the face when we got inside the building, and I was already feeling me overheating coming on. I didn't want to change just yet, but I knew it was inevitable. First thing we did was go to Starbucks. Since it was around 11 and my last cup was at 7. Now that I think about it, I was I able to take a nap when I had just drank coffee?! And also, despite only one cup, I didn't really need another. This is what made it sink in that I really was younger; I was more energetic. We stood in line, and I was sort of surprised how weird it was not being taller than most. I had spent half my life 5'10", so I had forgotten about the short girl problems. We got our coffees, and I looked at her and asked her if she wanted to go ahead and grab lunch. She agreed, and we headed over to one of the higher end restaurants. We were having a good conversation when suddenly asked if she could ask me something.
    "Of course, honey. Ask me anything."
    "You're not... mad?"
    "Well, you're much smaller and younger."
    "Oh, please. Who would get mad at getting a few years younger, are you kidding me? And being shorter? Eh, while it definitely stinks that my clothes and shoes don't fit anymore, especially my tailored work outfits and dresses, we've been having a good time together. If that comes at the expense of a few inches and years, sign me up! Plus, you're saying you don't know of anything that would have caused this, so I don't want misplace any anger at you. That wouldn't be fair." She had looked like she wanted to say something and had a little guilt, but I didn't want to push it. "I have been wondering though. I don't know if any spells that would "equalize" or "trade off" our heights and age. Granted, I haven't looked at those tomes in years."
    Our server had approached our table. I ordered a glass of wine, and asked Tori if she wanted one. She cocked her head, widened her eyes and just stared at me, shocked.
    "Yeah, she'll have one too." She had asked for my ID, which I wasn't sure if she would. We definitely looked like we were in our mid twenties. I gladly handed over my ID. "We're twins, so just mine is good, right?" The waitress nodded her head. I looked at Tori, raised my eyebrows twice at her while having a smug look. I was expecting a "wow, you guys look so young!" from her, but never got one. She just handed my ID back and went to go grab the wine. When she handed it back, I immediately looked at my ID and realized something odd. My date of birth and height had automatically changed. 5'3" and born in 1994.

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