"Yup......these years have been hectic but we can only hope it gets better." I sighed and stroked fangs head.

"Wasn't it you and Harry that found out sirius blacks your godfather?"

"Yeah me and Harry got told by him, both our parents made him our godfather. He even offered for us to live with him someday. We agreed obviously you know Harry with the Dursley's..... and I love my parents but I mean I'm bound to move out one day and I would gladly live with Sirius."

Hagrid nodded and sat infront of me and handed me some tea.

"Neville came around the other day and helped me with my plants, that boys gonna go far in the wizarding world with his love for plants I tell you." He smiled and sipped his tea.

I nodded and drank some of my tea, it was sweet but not too sweet, Hagrid always makes the best tea.

"Right now what's up with you and Malfoy? I've seen you frolicking with him and Blaise zabini..." he put his tea down and looked at me.

I gulped and lay my cup down next to fangs head.

"Uh well me and draco slowly became friends I guess and that led to me and Blaise having a really close friendship seeing as we hit it off immediately."

"So your dating zabini I take it?"

I shook my head and looked down.

Hagrid gasped.

"Your dating malfoy?!"

I nodded and smiled up at him
He just shook his head and chuckled.

"We'll just be careful.... malfoys aren't the ones to go near y/n, you've heard about what happened at the graveyard with his dad."

I nodded.

"Draco's going to speak to his father over term, he had no idea. So you believe Harry and Cedric then? Some people won't even speak to them."

Hagrid huffed and stood up.
"Well anyone who doesn't believe them will have a shock won't they?"

I nodded and drank the rest of my tea and stood up, fang groaned and I laughed.

I put the cup on the table and turned to Hagrid.

"We best be getting to the hall, the feast will be starting now." He opened the door and I left.

Fang tried to follow us.
"Ah a a fang back!" Hagrid nudged him back in and shut the door.

"Dumb dog." He smiled and we walked back up to the castle.


Me and Hagrid walked in, the hall was almost silent except from our footsteps.

I sat down inbetween the twins and once we were seated, the food appeared and people began eating.

"Hey why isn't Dumbledore doing a speech?" I whispered to George.

"Said he can't, there's no point really." He shrugged.

We all ate in silence, the death of Viktor hit a lot of us, including me.

No one expected for anyone to die in the tournament I mean sure they were dangerous but no one could predict that mad eye moody was really Barty crouch jr and that the cup was a port key leading straight to Voldemort and his death eaters.

It raged me, the thought of Peter pettigrew being there as well as dracos father.....

If I ever saw that rat again I won't hesitate to kill him.
I'm sure Harry felt the same but couldn't kill him seeing as he was surrounded by death eaters and he was trapped.

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