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"Nope," said Rose, performing a series of extremely complicated looking wand movements at a floor length mirror while Scorp poked through a musty bookshelf stuffed with more snow globes than books.

Al gave them up as a lost cause.

"Scorp, c'mere and take a look at this," Rose ordered, still staring at the mirror.

Scorp wandered over, scrunched his nose at his reflection, then scrunched his nose at Rose.

"What?" he asked, clearly confused.

Rose pointed at the engraving on the mirror, carved painstakingly into the ancient wood in a spidery hand no one could read. 

"So that's where this ended up," murmured Albus as he joined them.

"What ended up where?" Asked Scorpius absently, now examining the carvings while Rose raised an eyebrow at her reflection.

"The mirror of erised," elaborated Albus. "Or rather,  Trelawney's knockoff  version of the mirror of erised. She told us about it back in fourth year. Apparently  some ancestor of her's created it and it works like a charm. All the properties of the original, without the addictive side effects."

"I wouldn't say 'it works like a charm'," Rose said disdainfully.
"It's nothing like what Dad told us it would be. All I see is our reflection."

"Yes," Scorpius chimed in. "Its just us. Isn't it supposed to show, like, who we want to be and all?"

"It's supposed to show you what you most desire," corrected Albus, stepping in front of the mirror.

He stared at it and then frowned.

It showed him several years older, with laugh lines prominent around his green eyes, surrounded by his family and friends looking at him proudly.

He was laughing as Scorp patted him on the back and his father gave him a beaming smile. He was known for something other than the Potter name. He was out of his  parent's shadow and had made a name for himself.

He looked strong, calm and happier than he had ever looked before.

He was home.

Albus smiled at his reflection, and it wasn't a longing smile. It was a determined one. He knew he would make that future come true.

He shook his head a little to clear his thoughts and turned to glare at Scorpius and Rose.
"It works perfectly well!" He cried indignantly.

Rose and Scorp still looked doubtful but shoved their way in front of him to stand shoulder to shoulder as they squinted suspiciously at the mirror.

"Nah," Scorpius shook his head. "I still see only our reflection."

Rose tilted her head a little." Maybe a little bit older, but..."

She was cut off by Albus who let out a bark of laughter.

"Oh, my beautiful idiots," Al declared "this is the mirror of desire. It literally shows you what you want the most in your life."

He leaned back on his hands with a grin and waited for them to get it.
He could practically see the wheels in their heads turning.

Rose was the first to understand, as he expected, and turned a beautiful, deep shade of red. Her ears were practically flaming.

Scorpius, despite the scarily sharp intelligence he had been born with, still remained peacefully oblivious. Bless.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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