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"Farewell, my kind friends. I have climbed this hill and I shall now die upon it."

Scorpius sighed as he tried to heave a spread eagled Albus to his feet.
Key word being tried.

Al remained glued to the floor with the stubbornness of a barnacle.

Rose clicked her tongue.

"Don't be ridiculous, Al, we've only been climbing for twenty minutes."

"And I am utterly exhausted! Do you have any idea how many flights of stairs we've climbed? Because I don't! And I'm not sure I want to know. My feet feel like they're going to fall off any second now."

"Okay Al, let's all go be drama queens in an empty classroom. We're holding up the traffic." Scorpius advised, offering him a hand.

Al huffed, hauled himself to his feet and straightened his tie.

"I take back the 'kind' in my previous statement. You're a slave driver, Malfoy."

"Love you too, bestie," Scorpius swept past him with a wink and skipped up the spiral staircase with a nimbleness the other two sorely lacked.

Rose clapped her cousin on the shoulder before taking off behind Scorp.

Their heavy bags stuffed with borrowed books didn't slow them down in the slightest. Bloody Quidditch players.

Albus adjusted the strap of his satchel (satchel-not even a bag what was this the 90's?oh wait-) and craned his neck at the many flights of stairs he had to brave in order to get to Divination.

Rose and Scorpius would have died rather than being caught taking Divination. They were on their way to Arithmancy and were already engrossed in a conversation about theorems and angles and whatnot.

Al missed his best friends but didn't regret taking Divination one bit. He didn't understand Aunt Hermione's problem with it; all you had to do was invent a couple of self directed death threats while staring lovingly at a glass sphere and bam! you had an O in the bag.

Scorp clambered up the ladder that lead to the Arithmancy classroom, poked his head through the trap door and blinked in confusion.

"This isn't the Arithmancy classroom."
"Nope, its the Divination classroom."

Scorpius and Rose ascended the ladder fully and stared around the stuffy, jewel like room with equal amounts of fascination and revulsion.

Albus, cheerfully bounded up the ladder and ran smack into Rose. "Ow-Rose- you're stepping on my - could you move a bit, please? Also, it was really nice of you to walk me to my class, but both of you need to go to Arithmancy now before someone decides you've been skiving."

"This is the Arithmency classroom!" Scorp insisted as Rose nodded her agreement. 

"Not in this timeline, it isn't. Your class is on the second floor with Professor Vector. Opposite the painting with the three pepper shakers, remember? Professor McGonagall told us about it at breakfast- and neither of you are listening to a word I'm saying, are you?"

 Rose simply raised an eyebrow, as if to say "you think ?" while Scorp wandered over to peer at the delicate tea cups on a shelf.

Albus rescued a patterned blue and yellow teacup from Scorpius' fumbling hands and set it down gently on the shelf.

"Figures. Anyways, if the pair of you could hustle it down to the second floor for Arithmency, you know, the class you are now ten minutes late for, I'd be ever so obliged- will you stop that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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