Thats not my name

Start from the beginning

"Finally! What took you so long?" Pansy asked. "We've been waiting for almost thirty minutes!"

Harry snickered. "Draco."

Pansy snorted. "Makes sense. Now come on. I want to see Hermione before breakfast. I promised to give her the potion since I didn't have it on me last night."

The boys agreed and they all trooped back up to the Great Hall, almost getting lost a few times, but Harry noticed there were snakes who led them, although he suspected most of the other first years didn't notice since they were talking among themselves, and the snakes never moved. There was just a snake at every turn pointed toward the Common Room.

"How do you keep track of all these turns? Are you sure we aren't lost? Maybe we should have waited for a prefect." It was Blaise's voice, and Harry turned.

"There's snakes at every turn pointed towards the Common Room. I barely noticed them on our way down here, but they're all on the way to the Great Hall."

"Huh. Cool," seemed to be the consensus from the other children, and they soon reached the Great Hall. Pansy immediately headed over to Ravenclaw table, where Hermione was already sitting. Harry also noticed Neville at the Hufflepuff table, but none of the Gryffindor first years had arrived yet. Harry pulled Draco over to greet Neville before they sat down.

"Good morning, Neville," Harry said. "Did you sleep well?"

"Oh! Good morning, Harry, Draco. The Hufflepuff dorms are so comfortable! I love them! What about your dorms?"

"They're great!" Draco gushed. Harry looked over to the Slytherin table and saw more students were there, so he tugged on Draco's sleeve.

"Sorry Nev, we have to go sit down. Professor Snape is going to be handing out our schedules soon."

"Ok. I'll see you guys later."

After they got their schedules and ate breakfast, they headed back down to the dungeons for Potions with the Gryffindors. Harry was excited for this class. He was excited for most of the classes, but Potions and Herbology were the ones he was most excited for. Unfortunately he wouldn't have Herbology until Friday. When they got there, Harry saw Ron and pulled Draco over to greet him. They chatted for a few minutes until the doors opened and Draco and Harry sat together. A few moments later Professor Snape stalked into the room.

"You will put your wands away. There is no use for them here. You are here to learn the exact science and delicate art of potion making. I can teach you to bottle fame and stop death. You can learn to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses, if, as I doubt, you are not as big of dunderheads as I suspect." His voice was soft and silky, making everyone lean forward in their seats to ensure that they didn't miss a single word. "Mr. Thomas!" he suddenly snapped. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

The boy froze for a moment, then said slowly, "A potion to make you sleep?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"T-telling you," Thomas said hesitantly.

"Very well. You are correct, after a fashion. The ingredients I listed produce a powerful sleeping potion called Draught of the Living dead. Mr. Weasley! Where would you look to find a bezoar?"

"Err, in your cabinets?"

"Five points from Gryffindor for your cheek, Mr. Weasley. You would locate a bezoar in the stomach of a goat. Mr. Potter." His voice was a slow drawl now. Harry was tempted to correct the professor on his last name but decided not to, deciding that Professor Snape was too frightening to play a joke on. "What is the difference between monkswood and wolfsbane?"

"They're the same plant, professor. It is also called aconite."

"Very good. Well?" His voice turned sharp. "Why are you not writing all of this down?"

Professor Snape continued to lecture, informing them that they would be brewing a potion during the next class. "Read the first three chapters in your book and give me a foot of parchment on the properties of
porcupine quills," he directed, then dismissed the class.

Harry and Draco had free time until lunch, so they started on the homework.

"I think I will like potions. It's an interesting subject and Professor Snape doesn't play favorites. Much," Harry said. Draco agreed.

After lunch they had free time again until History of Magic, which turned out to be taught by a ghost. After class Draco turned to Harry.

"You'd think having a ghost teach would make it more interesting. Instead, we all get an extra nap! Who keeps a ghost on as a teacher anyway?"

Harry shrugged and the little group headed to supper, and then down to the Common Room to finish the potions assignment. At about ten o'clock, the first years packed up their supplies and headed to bed.

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