"Isn't she your first love?"

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"Bullshit" "It's not bullshit, Her and Lacey made up today, and now she's coming over" "What are they gonna do fuck each other?" "What is it with you and thinking people are either gonna fuck or they already are?" "Hey two people in a room, the door is locked one of the person's  boyfriend or girlfriend isn't home, You don't usually think they're working on a science project" 

"Ok good point" "Thank you, Now how are you gonna 'Find out' about Lex and I?" "I think I have an idea" He just stood there like the idiot he was "So are you gonna tell me or?" "Oh yes right I forgot" He cleared his throat and said "Ok so when I drop y'all off I go 'to get something to eat' then when I come back you have to be outside and kissing him and make sure he was the one who kissed you alright?" "Alright" "Ok good, so then I tell him that if he doesn't break up with Lacey and doesn't tell her the reason either I'll tell her myself" "So in other words you give him an ultimatum?" "Yeah exactly" "Alright" 

Lacey's P.O.V:he walked back into the room but by then I had already changed back into my clothes"Hey why did you change back the fun was just getting started" "well now the moment is gone"He grabbed me and put me on his lap he pressed his lips against mine a couple minutes later we heard a voice say

"Could y'all stop for just one second?" we looked over at the door to see it was Ava"Nope"he continued to kiss me until Ava said"Stop or I'll tell Lacey your middle name" He stopped and his face turned bright red"Fine" "No wait what is it?" "I'm not gonna tell" "Please?" "No" "You have to" "Why?" "Because"I grabbed his face and kissed him I stuck my tongue into his mouth and bit his bottom lip

"F-fine...my middle name is olympus" "Olympus?" "My parents loved watching the movie Hercules alright" "Awwwww I like it Shiro olympus hoshi why are you so embarrassed?" "because before they made olympus his middle name it was gonna be  Icarus" "Icarus?" "I'm so glad mom and dad didn't name me after some boy who flew too close to the sun...so do you want to know what Ava's middle name is?" "Don't you fucking dare!" "Oh I fucking will, her middle  name is aphrodite" 

"Aphrodite as in the goddess of love?" "Yup" "I hate you so much Shiro" "Heh I hate you more sis" "Awwwww y'all that's so sweet" "Yeah yeah yeah now why the hell did you interrupt  us?" "I wanted to watch a movie with y'all" "Alright"I grabbed Shiro's hand and said"Come on wonder boy"He grabbed me and kissed me"I love you so much" "I love you more now come on" "Alright I'm coming meg" We went down stairs and sat on the couch"Should we watch a scary movie?"  "No because Lacey will scream" "No I won't" "How could you be so sure?" "Because I only scream in our bedroom" Ok first of all that was almost as hot as  choking someone but that was also disgusting so yeah" "Whatever...can we just watch the movie now?" "Sure whatever you say wonderboy"  "Don't call me that" "So Lacey can and I can't?" "Yup"                                                  

We went to make popcorn while Ava choose a scary movie once we were done she had already picked the movie we handed Ava her popcorn she put the movie and at some point Shiro and I accidentally touched hands we faced each other and he leaned in I closed my eyes and waited for him to press his lips against mine but the we heard Ava scream she came over to the couch and said

"Hey guys y'all look like y'all need some company"we both smiled and hugged her she got up to go to the bathroom"hey remember the last time she went to the restroom?"I got up close to his face like he did"Yup"he grabbed my face and kissed me he laid me down on the couch and continued to kiss me"Um"we both looked over at Ava standing in the doorway we both cleared our throats and sat down we watched the rest of the movie until Ava got a call she got up and went to another room soon Shiro got up and followed after her 

Ava's P.O.V:"ok well be there in a minute as soon as Alison comes over.....Alright......love you too bye" "Was that Lex?" "No I was talking to another guy" I said sarcastically "Ohhhhh I'm gonna tell Lex"I punched his arm"When is Alison coming?" "How should I know I'm not her friend Lacey is.........you really do love her don't you?" "Of course I do why?" "Well it's just that you're literally risking your five year friendship with Lex just to be with her and you've never brought a girl or boy to the roof" "H-How did you know about that?" "Well you kinda left the ladder" "Oh" 

"isn't she your first love?" "Yeah she is I may have had other girlfriends and like two boyfriends but it never turned into love, but not with Lacey she's special  the most extraordinary funniest sweetest girl I've ever met and she's not even my girlfriend I wish she was and I wish I could tell her that too"I pointed behind him and there she was almost in tears"What's wrong are you okay?"

Lacey's P.O.V:I decided to follow them but by then she had already got off the phone then I heard Ava ask"Isn't she your first love?"and I almost started crying when I heard what he said"Yeah she is I may have had other girlfriends and like two boyfriends but it never turned into love, but not with Lacey she's special the most extraordinary funniest sweetest girl I've ever met and she's not even my girlfriend I wish she was and I wish I could tell her that too" then when he saw me about to cry he asked"What's wrong are you okay?"

I jumped into his arms no one has ever said something  that stuff about me"I love you"Before he could say anything else we heard a knock at the door Shiro went to go open it"Hey I'm here where's Lacey?"He pointed towards me and she came up to me and asked"You okay girl you look like your about to cry" "Yes Alison I'm fine thanks for asking" "No problem now did I hear something about y'all having a puppy?" 

"Yeah her name is Leslie you can go play with her and I'll be there in a minute"she nodded and went to my room Ava said"I'll be waiting outside lex is here already" "Alright have fun" "You too"I looked at Shiro and he looked at me he smiled and hugged me"I love you too"I grabbed his face and kissed him and they left.

Shiro's P.O.V:I walked to the car afterwards and got in"Y'all ready?"I asked Ava and Lex who were in the back seat they nodded and we left ,a couple of minutes later we got to the hair place"Can I take a picture before you get your haircut?"I asked she nodded and I took a picture"Alright good luck sis"

Ava's P.O.V:We went into the store"Hey what can I do for you miss?" "Aren't you the say lady who pierced my brothers ears?" "No that was my twin sister now let's get your haircut" "How did you know I wanted to cut my hair?" "Because I'm the author of this book I know everything about you I know everything you want ,the person you love, your brothers name, your best friend's name, I know how old you are ,because I created you I created this entire story it's all fake mwahhahahahahaha" "oh wait what?" 

"I said it was just a lucky guess" "oh ok" "Just take a seat over there and tell me how short you want me to cut it" "Ok" A couple minutes later she had cut my hair all the way to my shoulders"Alright we're done"the lady said Lex came over"Look at me"I looked up at him"How do I look?" "absolutely gorgeous"I blushed and looked down he grabbed my hand"Come on"I paid the lady and we walked out"You really do look beautiful"I blushed and said"Only cause I changed"he grabbed my face and said"No your beautiful no matter what"he leaned in and kissed me

"So this is why you're always spending time with my sister"we both looked over to see Shiro standing there with his arms crossed"All according to plan"I thought to myself" 

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