"I love you more than all the stars in the sky"

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I went into the house and went upstairs but I checked my phone first to see that it was June 28th"Heh I guess nobody remembered "I sighed and  opened the door to our room I turned on the lights to see Shiro with a cake in his hands"Happy birthday my queen"he put the cake on the table and opened his arms I quickly ran over and hugged him"Thank you my prince" "Lacey I'm really s-"I put my finger and his lips and"I'll forgive you if you can forgive me I should have told you sooner"

He nodded and leaned in and we kissed after we pulled apart he took a small box out of his pocket and handed it to me then he picked me up and carried me to his bed I sat down and he got down on one knee in front of me I opened the box to see a ring it was in the shape of a queens crown and in the middle of it a big emerald heart he took it from my hands then held out his hand I put my hand in his and he put the ring on my finger"W-Why did you get me this?" "Because I've told you once before your my queen and I'll always love you"I jumped into his arms and leaned in and we kissed again" So how did you know my favorite color?"I asked"Ava has told me a lot about you and because it's my favorite color too" 

He nodded and leaned in and we kissed after we pulled apart he took a small box out of his pocket and handed it to me then he picked me up and carried me to his bed I sat down and he got down on one knee in front of me I opened the box to see a ri...

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"So how old did you turn today?"I smiled and said"Sixteen" "So she's also told me that at times you can get a little freaky"I blushed bright red"But I-I" "Just kidding"he brought his face very close to mine and said"I found that out on my own"then he smirked

We heard a knock on the door and he went to go answer it he opened the door and there were Lex and Ava standing there with presents in their hands they both hugged me and Ava said"You didn't think we'd forget your birthday did you?""Well after no one told me happy birthday I didn't think y'all remember but-"

I turned my head to look at Shiro and saw him looking at me"It's really nice to know that someone cares"he smiled and I once again saw his dimples they asked if I we wanted to watch a movie and we both said yes we went down stairs  Ava sat next to me while Lex and Shiro sat in the armchair  we were just sitting down eating my favorite cake(Chocolate)when  out of nowhere Ava  grabbed my wrist and asked

"Where did you get this?"I quickly pulled my hand away and said"I bought it" "Really you bought that?" "Yup" I looked over at her and saw a necklace it was flower with a diamond in the center I grabbed it and asked"Where did you get this huh?" "I um I bought it" "Really you bought that?" "Of course I did just like you bought that ring" we watched the movie and afterwards Ava took Lex home"So......This is........awkward"Shiro  grabbed my hand and said

"Come on" "Where are we going?" "To get ice cream" "Oh ok"My face turned bright red"I remember the last time we had ice cream"I thought"Heh remember the last time we got ice cream"Shiro asked"yup" "Well then I have to tell you that when I saw you and Lex on the couch that's when I realized that I loved you and I was about to tell you that but Ava had called me so I just couldn't I'm sorry I c-"

I put my finger on his lips and said"Just shut up and kiss me"we pressed our lips together then he picked me and and carried me to the car he put me in the passenger's seat and he got into the driver's seat we drove to get ice cream once we came back he handed me his ice cream and told me

"Follow me I want to show you something" "O-Ok" I followed him to the side of the house where he had a ladder he grabbed both ice creams and went up the ladder without having to even use his hands mean while I could barely climb it and I was using both hands we got to the top and went to the edge "This is what I wanted to show you"He said as he handed me my ice cream"It's just your front yard is this really what you wanted to show me?" "No not that lookup"I looked up to see the most beautiful night sky ever it looked so different from here then on the ground"wow it's so beautiful"He entwined our fingers and said"Very"but when he said that he was looking at me"Your my beautiful hoshi"

 "Isn't hoshi your last name?" " yeah but Hoshi means star in japanese" "Awww wait   so um a-are-y-yo- are you- you jap-" "No I'm not japanese I just know some of their  language and Hoshi just so happen to be my last name "  "Oh"he pulled me into a hug and said

"watashi wa , anata o aishiteimasu" "Watashi wa,anata what?" "Search it up"so I searched it up"I love you too"I said  "I love you more than all the stars in the night sky"I blushed bright red after he said that

 I looked over at him the moon was shining on his face the moon light lit up his green eyes and shined on his dark grey hair I put my hand on his face and he smiled I loved his dimples I leaned in and kissed him the wind was blowing through our hair it felt magical.Afterwards I saw him smiling his  smile and laugh naturally made me smile"do you want to go to the trampoline?" 

"You have a trampoline?" "Yeah I bought it for my niece  when she used to come here" "How old is she?" "Apparently too old to jump on a trampoline" "Oh well come on let's go"I was about to get off when he stopped me"You know if we had a kid of our own w-" I put my finger on his lips and said"One day I promise"

He nodded and we went to the backyard on the trampoline jumping while holding hands in the moonlight then once we stopped we slipped and he fell on top of me"You know I'm really starting to like this trampoline"I laughed and said"Me too"he helped me up then held out his hand"May I have this dance?"

 we danced in the moonlight I couldn't  help but smile I never wanted this moment end"We should go back inside it's really late"I started to walk off but he grabbed my hand and said"Let's stay up" "All night?" "Yeah" "Why?" "Because ever since I met you I wanted to watch the sunrise with you"I smiled and said "Alright"so we went inside to get 2 blankets one went under us while the other covered us we laid there while watching the stars then I saw a shooting star

"Baby make a wish" "I already got it you make one" "Ok"so I made my wish"So what is the wish you already got?"  "To find someone who makes me happy who makes me laugh and who accepts me for being bisexual" "Your bisexual? "Yeah" "Really?" "Yes I'm pretty sure" "That is.....I've never met a guy who was bi before.....this is....does your sister know?" "Yeah she does she's the one who helped me see that I was bi" 

"Well bi or straight I still love you"He grabbed my face and kissed me"Boyfriend or no boyfriend I still love you too"we leaned in and kissed"That's it I have to break up with Lex soon I can't keep  cheating on him he doesn't deserve this and neither does Shiro we pulled apart

"I'll break up with Lex as soon as I can" "yoi watashi anata o aishiteimasu"I looked at him confused"Good I love you" "I love you too"A couple hours later we went inside to make some coffee"Do you want to  back on the roof so we can watch the sunrise?" "Yes I've always wanted to do something like that with the person I love"He smiled so we went to the roof and watched the sunrise together"It's so beautiful" 

"your more beautiful than any sunrise I've ever seen"I blushed and said"Your more handsome than a blue sky"he smiled and took a sip of his coffee"So have you ever had a boyfriend before?"His started choking on his coffee "W-what did you say?" "Oh my god I'm really sorry are you okay?" "Yeah so what did you say?" "Um have you ever had a boyfriend?" 

"Um yeah I have" "Oh" "have you ever had a girlfriend?" "Um no I'm not into girls not that there's anything wrong with a girl being into girls but I-I guess, what I'm trying to say is, I'm straight but I don't think there's anything wrong with being part of the LGBTQ community.....d id that make any since?" "Yeah it did"Oh ok good....so do you want to go somewhere today?"

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