Chapter 2: Hallway Run-in

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OH MY GLOB!!!! 100 people have officially checked out my book. That might not seem like much but you guys have no idea how encouraging it is😍 I also received a recommendation to change my cover. If you have a picture that works better, please send it to me through a chat and I'll give you a shoutout!!!! Hope you guys enjoy!!!!
Something jabbed me in the side, awakening me from my slumber. I look over and see a strange face next to me. Poking ten digits into my sides, the figure whispers, "I creeeeep on you" in a weird accent.
"AAAAAH!!!!" And then with a painful thud I fell on the floor. "Damn you Stace, the alarm isn't even on yet" I growled.
She giggles and pulls off the mask, revealing a nasty case of helmet hair, "I know, I've just been dying to use this" she reaches out a hand and helps a grumbling me off the floor. "Come on, I'm hungry" and thunders downstairs. I groan, stretching out, and pad over to my closet. I pick out some dark skinny jeans and a tight t-shirt that says "I'd rather be eating bacon". It flatters my curves and always proves true. I stumble down the stairs, almost tripping on the last step, but catching myself. Walking over to the kitchen, I steal Stace's bagel and take a bite, grabbing orange juice as I do so. It's become a ritual of ours to steal each others food so she doesn't complain.
"Are you coming back here after school, or do we need to take separate cars?"

"If it's cool with you, I'll just come back here"

"Stace of course it's cool, me casa su casa"

"I'm like 99.2% sure you said that wrong"


After a quick goodbye to my parents and little bro, Logan, we grabbed our coffees and drove to school.
As we walked into the school gates, I turned towards Stacey and immediately slammed into somebody.
Cursing my clumsy self, I silently swore in my head. But I took a vow to never admit I was wrong in a rebellious streak 4 years ago and snapped "Hey!!!! Watch where your going you overgrown mountain!!!" Coffee was all over me and the other person.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you".

"Yea right, you didn't-"wait, I KNEW that voice. Hoping that this wasn't really happening, I looked up. I'm instantly mesmerized by beautiful blue eyes. Shiiiii...

"N-n-Noah!!! I'm so sorry I didn't realize it was you. Omg I'm such a horrible person. I am so so so so so incredibly very sorry."

"It's cool" he have me one of his million dollar smiles "it was totally my fault."

"But it was my coffee that's on your shirt...."

"I didn't like this shirt anyways, really it's no big deal. Just promise me one thing...."

"Uuuuuhhh, umm sure, yeah."

"Knowing you, you'll feel all guilty about it and feel horrible all day, so promise me you won't do that".

Damn, that WAS what I was gonna do. I pretended to think about it, tapping my chin "Well... I had feeling guilty written in my schedule for almost all day, but I'm sure I can fill it up"

He laughed "I'm sure you will, it was good seeing you Zoey." Stacey not so discretely coughed into her elbow "and you Stacey" he said with a chuckle. And then he walked off with me staring after him and sighing like a love struck puppy.

"OMG he was SO flirting with you!!!!" Stace squealed in my ear.

"You really think so?"

"I KNOW so. C'mon, we can't be late for class."

After school, I walked in my house with Stacey, just in time to see a 5 year old blur jumping on me. Since Logan was only 5, he actually still liked me so we were best buds. Luckily the dogs were at the groomers or else I would have been swarmed. Balancing him on my hip I exclaimed "OOOH, your getting heavier. How many cookies did you eat mister?" He shyly tucked his head into my neck and then poked up 3 fingers. I pretended to drop him and he squealed "Wow buster, no more cookies for you, it's hard enough lugging you around all day" He stuck his tongue out at me, and ran off to the kitchen for another cookie no doubt. Laughing, me and Stace made our way upstairs to start homework so we could be lazy the rest of the day.
Sorry that was so short, but I have school and it's keeping me on my toes. I'm also building up to a major scene (hint hint)😈 I hope to update soon, hope you liked it!!!!!😋(If not my beautiful bunnies, make a comment or a chat and tell me what could be improved. As a new author, I would appreciate constructive critisicim)

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