Chapter 1: Unexpected Meetings (Part 1)

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It was a grim, wet night in the village of Bree, located east of the Shire and south of the ruined city of Fornost in Eriador when the Gravewalker arrived at the gate, clad in black armour that is light to wear but hard to tear with worn-out Gondo...

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It was a grim, wet night in the village of Bree, located east of the Shire and south of the ruined city of Fornost in Eriador when the Gravewalker arrived at the gate, clad in black armour that is light to wear but hard to tear with worn-out Gondorian vambraces, and was covering his head with an old worn off hood cloak that has a fading emblem in the back, it was the Black Gate with the White Tree of Gondor in the middle, and have a dirty, off white wool that was the frame of the cloak and it was made by his wife on the anniversary of their wedding, and on the back of his shoulder under the cloak, his newly named and reforged sword, Náracharn, The Flame of Vengeance, that now have a black colour and shone with a pale fire with silver elvish runes engraved on it cross-hilt, and dagger rested. 

Then he stopped his horse Súretal "Wind foot" beside him as he faced the gate of the town, she is the last horse of the line of horses that the Fëanorian were riding on in the first age of the world, cream is her colour under the pale light of the silver moon but under the blazing light of the sun it is glimmering gold, she has slightly darker cream-coloured coats. 

Her mane and tail are light-coloured but hold a slight red tint and have ocean blue eyes that can see for many miles under the cover of darkness with no saddle on her, and she can understand both the languages of Men and Elves. They were now soaking wet due to the pouring rain, making Y/N knock on the gate harshly to get the attention of the Gatekeeper

"Celebrimbor": It will take days to reach the Blue Mountains, Y/N, we must warn Gandalf first.

"Y/N": I know but as I said before, Celebrimbor, it will be temporary. We are only going to stay for the night and ask if the rumours of Uruk camps are true or not, then if it is revealed to be not true then we can journey to Imladris and warn him If he was there in the first place. It has been two years since we have seen or heard anything from him.

"Celebrimbor": He might have other matters that need his help as we are now, and whatever we can gather here, I hope it will shorten the time we need to get it done.

"Y/N": You are probably right about Gandalf and we will find what we need, Bree is the last place we have not asked around and knowing that it is full of travellers, I am certain that some news has reached here before us.

Then his friend let a sigh

"Celebrimbor": Long have we held the forces of evil at bay.

"Y/N": And it will continue to be until our task is done.

"Celebrimbor": And for it to be done, Saruman's treason needs to be answered and soon, now that it is confirmed.

Y/N then knocked on the gate again with more force, and then a sound from the other side appeared

???: Alright, alright, here I come! Just give me a moment!!

Y/N then continued

"Y/N": He will face his judgment and I will not let Torvin and his people be his next victims.

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