"This..." Jiang Cheng began explaining the bowl of noodles to Jin Ling. "Today is your birthday. And so, according to tradition, I've... made this for you... enjoy..." as he continued explaining, his haughty voice plummeted to a squeak of a mouse, and the volume decreased to the point that Jin Ling had to inch closer in  order to hear. Jiang Cheng's original dark face had reddened, and his cheeks went red along with his ears.

Jin Ling couldn't help but pause in awe. Perhaps, was his Uncle shy?!?

"Anyways!" Jiang Cheng coughed. "You better finish everything! If I find a single strand of noodle left in this bowl, just wait for your legs to be broken!"

On the sidelines, Sizhui couldn't help but think that the Jiang family must've had a thing for legs.

Finally, Jiang Cheng left with Lan Xichen trailing after him. Jin Ling blankly looked at the bowl of noodles in front of him. Maybe because it was just made, but Jin Ling found the bowl of noodles to be exceptionally warm. A small cheery smile bloomed on his pretty face.

Sizhui was captured by that smile. Slowly, a warm smile revealed on his own face. Truly, seeing one happy makes yourself happy as well.

As Jin Ling promised, he finished the bowl of noodles, and didn't waste a single strand. He felt really proud. Jiang Cheng didn't have a reason to break his legs anymore. Before he finished though, the people around gradually left the flower pavilion, until only Sizhui remained; watching Jin Ling to the end.

Looking upwards, Jin Ling watched Sizhui, a small pleased smile on his face.

Slightly captivated by that smile, Sizhui smiled back. He then said, "A-Ling, everyone left already. Shall we head back now?"

Jin Ling nodded. He stood up from the seat and picked up the emptied bowl. As the night carried on, the two cultivators stepped out of the flower pavilion and began their way back to the Koi Tower. However, Sizhui quickly took the bowl out of Jin Ling's hands. Jin Ling frowned. "What was that for?"

Sizhui grinned from one side to the other. "I'm afraid you're too tired. Let me do the heavy lifting."

Jin Ling's frown deepened. He then snatched the bowl back. "No thank you. If I can't do such a small thing, what kind of a Sect Leader am I?"

"A pretty one." Sizhui commented.

Jin Ling was surprised. "That's all you care about? My looks! I thought I taught you better than that!"

Sizhui shook his head. "You're also arrogant, disobedient, adventurous, independent, clumsy-"

"Hey!" Jin Ling darted him an unappreciated look. "What's with all these insults!"

Sizhui stepped closer to Jin Ling, so that their shoulders touched one another. The sudden contact had made Jin Ling jump up from embarrassment. Sizhui laughed. "They're not insults. They're all attributes I love about you."

Jin Ling's pretty face went red as he blushed. "What are you talking about... this kind of gushy love talk..."

Sizhui shook his head. "But it's the truth."

"Saying such good stuff to me... okay! What is it you want from me?" Jin Ling asked. Before he could process anything down, Sizhui held his hands that were holding onto the bowl of noodles. Slowly, the bowl dropped out from Jin Ling's hands and rolled onto the grassy ground, unbroken. "Happy Birthday, A-Ling." Sizhui smiled.

Such a beautiful smile was capable of bewitching anyone. Jin Ling found his heart lurched out of his throat, then settled back down. However, his heart was unstable; constantly beating like a wild beast.

He blushed. "T-Thank you..."

Before he could continue on, a pair of lips met his own. It was abrupt, but Jin Ling didn't hesitate to melt into it. His body went soft as he tumbled into Sizhui's strong and warm arms. The kiss went gentle ad sweet. It was warm and welcoming.

Once the two let go of the kiss, Sizhui laughed. "There it is. Your first kiss since becoming Sect Leader."

Jin Ling grumpily warmed him. "It better not be the last."

Small note here: In the Chinese tradition; during one's birthday, they would be given a bowl of noodles and a boiled egg to eat. It's sort of like how Western people eat cake, however, nowadays in China, there would be cake and a bowl of noodles.

I remember once how my mom and I visited China, and at that time, it was my mom's birthday. Our family went to a restaurant to celebrate, and surprisingly, the restaurant staff members knew of my mom's birthday. They gave us a box of many pieces of small paper slips, telling us to draw one, and perhaps something lucky may happen.

My mom (being the pessimistic she is) told me to draw in place of her, so I did. In the end, I drew a paper that was 'lucky', and the restaurant made a bowl of noodles and boiled egg for my mom! Better yet, the bowl of noodles and boiled egg was for free! Even till this day, I'm wondering how I managed to draw that. 🤣😂

Anyways, warning. As a compensation for this short fluffy chapter, next chapter will be angst. But no worries. The fun stuff only comes afterwards.

[ZHUILING] More Than EnoughTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon