"Skeppy, Skeppy, hey hey, wake up!" I heard when I got to the top of the stairs. I looked over to Skeppy's room, noticing Harvey shaking Skeppy. His eyes jolted open and he almost kicked Harvey. I walked closer, not understanding what was happening.

"H-he- I-I almost s-saved him..." Skeppy stuttered, grabbing onto Harvey's arm. Harvey put his free hand on Skeppy's back, rubbing him gently.

"You're ok, nothing bad is here to get you..." Harvey murmured. I took another step forwards, but the floorboards creaked underneath me, giving me away. Harvey and Skeppy both looked over to where I was.

I looked directly into Skeppy's eyes. His once bright, chocolate brown eyes were now a dull, muddy brown. We stared at each other for a minute. This was the first time we had seen each other in days.

"B-Bad?" Skeppy said, like he couldn't recognize me. I took a step back, looking away from him. "Bad I'm so sorry, ple-"

"I won't ever forgive you." I said. I didn't even recognize my own voice for a moment. It was so emotionless.

Skeppy looked down, at the blue covers that covered his legs. Harvey stood silently, probably feeling a bit awkward.

Without another word, I walked away.

See why I don't come out of my room?


Tommy's POV 

Tubbo yelped, throwing his sword to the side. Wilbur stopped, lowering his sword. "Tubbo, you can't use your hands to defend yourself when a sword is coming at your face." He said, picking up Tubbo's sword. Tubbo took a shaky breath, staring at the sword like it was going to eat him.

"I know... I'm sorry, can I take a break?" Tubbo asked, gently taking the sword back from Wilbur.

"Fine, you and Tommy can take a break together. Come back when your ready. I'll be training Fundy and Ranboo in here." I sighed, pushing myself from off the floor. Tubbo put his sword back in the armor stand and walked out without a glance at me. I followed him and we walked through the halls in silence. 

We turned into our room and I shut the door behind us. Tubbo just got onto his bed, laying and facing the wall. I sighed, sitting down on my bed. "Tubbo, you barely have spoken for the past three days. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Tubbo said, not even turning to look at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Sure. You know I'm here for you, right?" Tubbo looked over his shoulder. He sighed, sitting up straight again.

"Wilbur told me about the old head guard." Tubbo said. I blinked, a little shocked.

"He did? What did he say?" I leaned forward.

"Phil. His name was Phil."

"Tommy! Get down from there!" Phil yelled. I grinned down at him.

"It's fine, Phil! I have the best balance in the whole entire world, remember?" I ran across the brick wall, jumping over the bumps. Phil ran next to me, his hands out in front of him.

"Of course, but you don't know how to get-" I gasped, my foot sliding. The rest of my body was thrown forwards as my foot slipped off the wall, sending me tumbling off. I closed my eyes, bracing for impact.

All I heard was a gasp before I was gently lowered to the ground. I opened my eyes and looked around. Phil was holding onto my shoulders, a knowing smile on his face.

"You rascal, your lucky I was here!"

"I never have to worry, you are always here for me!"

"Tommy? Earth to Tommy!" I blinked, rubbing my eyes. Tubbo was in front of me, waving his hands in front of my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"I don't know, you just suddenly blanked out when I said Phil." Tubbo shrugged, sitting back down on his head. "Do you remember him?"

"A little bit. Tall, blonde hair, green eyes, always wore green as well." I scratched my head, trying to remember more. But everything else was blank.

"I think I remember him, but I can't picture him. Maybe we can ask Wilbur another day!" Tubbo smiled, his eyes brightening a bit. I nodded, smiling in return.

"Yea, how about we just rest first. You look a bit tired." Tubbo looked down and I could've sworn I saw something flicker in his eyes. But it was gone as soon as it appeared and he was already smiling and nodding.

We turned away from each other, laying in our own beds. 


Why can't I put a finger on who exactly he was?


George's POV

"We seriously went from top guards, to guards that are guarding a stupid door." Sapnap grumbled next to me. I couldn't help but agree, this was stupid. I haven't even seen Dream since Ranboo and Quackity became his new guards. He wasn't even there to help us fight off the revolution those guys had tried to start days ago.

Me and Sapnap hadn't been injured during our fight with those four guys. Stunned, yes. That short one had this glove that hurt like shit when it touched you. Either way, we had won.

"This is so dumb! We don't even know why we are here!" Sapnap kept complaining. I shushed him, not wanting anyone to hear him.

"Dream probably has a reason, don't worry-"

"He never told you?" I stopped talking, hearing the deep voice behind me. I hadn't noticed the door had been creaking open. Techno stepped through, smiling at me and Sapnap.

"Never told us what, King Techno?" I asked politely.

"When I pulled Dream out earlier, he told me that you guys had been very irresponsible and had forced him to leave his post. I suggested we could get him new guards and he agreed immediately." Techno looked between me and Sapnap, a small smile on his face.

Sapnap and I looked at each other. Dream said what? He threw us under the bus when he said it was okay for us to go?

"That's not what happened..." Sapnap whispered, looking back at Techno.

Techno's eyes widened. "Really? Well, that's what he told me. I trust him. Either way, it was his decision to replace you guys." Dream not only lied about us, he replaced us? Wasn't he the one who said we were his best friends? Didn't we start this whole thing together?

"Anyways, just wanted to keep you guys updated! Good day!" Techno walked off, his red cape flowing. I watched him disappear around the corner.

We were silent for a minute before Sapnap spoke again. "You know, guarding this door doesn't seem so bad anymore."

"I agree."


(1708 Words)

Just a chapter to see how everything is going with our characters! Bad is mad, Skeppy and Tubbo are traumatized, Tommy is blind, and George and Sapnap are confused. The luxuries of life, am I right? Thanks for reading!

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