chapter 1.

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Tris's POV (Beatrice's nickname)

After a LOT of family celebrations that took place after our graduation, me and my girls are now comfortably sitting at the Starbucks here at NAIA Terminal 3. 

"Never would I have thought that we would actually be having this trip." I said before taking a sip of my Iced Chai Latte. 

"Me too. Remember how we would always joke around whenever we have vacant periods, and say 'pack your bags bitches, we're gonna have coffee to Paris'" Blair, my model-looking bestie said laughing and vividly reminiscing the memories as if they happened ages ago. 

We quiet down after what seemed like endless minutes of talking about our experiences during internship. Aria, the "wild child" of the group, suddenly sighed and said "I'm ready to have fun before we enter Medicine."

"Me too. In a few weeks, we'll have to go back and actually study AGAIN for the board exams. Ugh." I groan. I dread studying. Most of the time, I'm totally into it and you won't even be able to talk to me for weeks. 

But today is just one of those days when I just don't want to talked about it. Its like I get allergic to the topic or something.

"This trip is pretty convenient too, isn't it? Didn't you say you planned a uni tour and we'll be looking at apartments there as well, Tris?" Blair replied looking all excited. 

Yes. I want to and plan to study Medicine abroad. Its not that I don't like the system here in the Philippines. Its just that, there are countries that are... better?

"Yeah..." I trail off as I proceeded to look at my cup, grasping it tighter.

"Did you tell Felix already?" There it is. The question I do NOT want to be brought up.

"Aria really? I already had a hard time convincing him that we'd be going on this overseas vacation. And we'll only be staying there FOR A WEEK. You think he'd actually let me study abroad? Besides, I still don't know if I'll pass the exams." 

Ah Felix. My long-term boyfriend. And by long-term, I mean we've been together for almost 8 years. So I guess we're what you call, childhood sweethearts? Yeah. 

Not to brag or anything, there are people who envy what I have. Brains, looks, wealth, friends, and a stable relationship. 

Am I happy about it? Well, there isn't a life in the world that has problems. Some just suffer more than others. 

"Are you kidding? Tris, of course you'll pass. Don't go being all humble and shit on us now, doesn't suit you." Blair laughed as she and Aria high-fived while I just shoot them a glare. 

"But guys, seriously. If I do pass, what should I tell Felix?" I say softly, fumbling on the sleeves of my dress.

"Girl no offense, but you have to stop holding back because of him. You missed out on SO MANY opportunities during college just because of Felix being all protective and possessive." Aria said seriously this time. 

"She's right you know. You're turning 25 in a month. You have to learn to decide for yourself, love. We're not kids anymore. Don't get me wrong. We love Felix for you. All of our friends do. They even get jealous because of your guys' strong relationship. But I don't know. Its all up to you..." Blair continued, reaching out for my hand to comfort me. 

They have a point. But...

"I don't want to get all emotional on you, we aren't even on the plane yet. Stop being so dramatics guys. Let's just have fun okay?" I reply adding a cheerful tone to my voice to alleviate the heavy atmosphere just now. 

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