TWENTY-THREE. we're all in this together

Start from the beginning

"Hey, do you know what's up with Nini?" Bless asked as she stood before him. "I heard someone saying something about her looking pretty nervous."

"She just wants to impress that lady from YAC," Ricky informed her.

"YAC?" Bless repeated, her brows pulling together in confusion. "Well, that's a terrible name. But what's YAC?"

"It's the Youth Actors Conservatory. You know, that performing arts school in Denver that she's interested in," Ricky elaborated as Bless's face slowly fell in disbelief. "You... You didn't know?"

"No, she didn't tell me," Bless admitted as she shook her head. She had no idea Nini was interested in going to a school in Denver. "Uh, is that why you asked EJ to fill in as Troy?"

"Yeah, she needs her best shot, so."

"And it's nothing to do with your mom and her boyfriend?"

Ricky grimaced a bit. "Oh, so you know about that?"

"Yeah, I heard around the bomb shelter. Who knew theater kids could gossip?" Bless remarked, earning a small chuckle from Ricky. "What she did was crappy though."

"So now you care?" Ricky dryly inquired. Bless would usually snap back at him, but she didn't, knowing she probably deserved it after how she treated him.

"Yeah, I guess I do. I've never been the nicest to you and you have to admit, you haven't been the nicest to me either. But you didn't deserve what your mom just did."

Ricky sent her a small nod as the sound of the gym door opening alerted them. Bless turned around, seeing Ricky's mom Lynne. The woman sent a smile toward Bless as she approached the teens while Bless forced one.

"Blessica, it's nice to see you again," Lynne said to the girl.

"You too, Mrs. Bowen," Bless replied, her eyes widening a bit. "Or... I-I mean, Lynne since you're not... You know what? I'm gonna give you guys some privacy."

Sending an awkward smile and, for some reason, a thumbs up, Bless was quick to remove herself from the tense situation and head back to the bomb shelter.

. . .

So far, Bless and Seb had been standing in the wings for about ten minutes as the music for Bop to the Top went on. It was clear from the murmurs coming from the audience that people were growing confused. And it was clear from the frown on her face that Bless was losing her patience with her friend.

"Seb, I am not going on that stage... ish without you," Bless declared. "Come on, you were fine during Act I. And you love this number."

"I know, I know," muttered Seb with an anxious frown.

"Then what's the problem?" She inquired. With a sigh, Seb took Bless's hand and pulled her to the edge of the wings. The blonde and brunette duo looked at the audience and instantly, Bless spotted Seb's surprisingly large family. "Wow, Thanksgiving at your house must be a blast."

"During the intermission, the rest of my family finally made it. Now I feel like throwing up."

"Okay, people have to stop saying that out loud," Bless muttered as she and Seb stepped further into the wings. "So what your entire family brought out, like, three rows and many more eyes are gonna be watching every single step you make, listening to every single note you hit-"

𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 (𝐡𝐬𝐦𝐭𝐦𝐭𝐬.)¹Where stories live. Discover now