"So, everyone who touches you.. turns you on?"

"No, not everyone. Just hot women that I know are good in bed," she said and bit her lower lip in embarrassment. She hadn't gone this long without sleeping with anyone in forever, and she evidently noticed it. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to tell you."

"That I'm good in bed?"

"No, I hope I've already made that clear before," Regina replied with a smile. "I didn't want to tell you that I'm in the mood to sleep with anyone that's attractive and in my age range."

Emma laughed softly. She hadn't realized until Regina mentioned it, that Regina had become less touching lately. She used to greet her with a hug, and sometimes a kiss on the cheek, but lately she'd merely waved every time Emma came home from work.

But they still had their midnight talks and that was what Emma valued most in the moment. Before she'd met Regina, she'd thought that sleeping with many people would help her cope with her problems, but after a few days since Regina moved in, they'd started a routine.

Every evening, once Hope was asleep - or pretending to be asleep - she and Regina would make a cup of tea and go to bed, where they talked until deep in the night.

Emma had to admit that it had caused some insomnia, but it was all worth it, because she noticed herself improving mentally. Regina truly listened to her and she listened to Regina.

"You looking so adorable doesn't help that," Regina said and leaned against the counter. "But how was your day?"

"It was great. I finally finished this oil painting, though now it's gonna take forever for the paint to dry. How was your day? Except for the rude boys in class. What did they do?"

Regina sighed. "Just the usual. Making sexist jokes and objectifying women," she replied and looked back at the oven again. She checked if the brownies were finished by putting a fork in one, but she wasn't content and closed the oven again. "Overall, my day was great though. That's just things you have to pull up with."

Emma smiled slightly. "When I first found out you were a teacher, did you know what I thought?"

"Do I want to know?"

"I'm not quite sure," Emma replied with a soft giggle. "I thought you must be known in the school as the "hot teacher". You look stunning in those pantsuits and skirts."

Regina chuckled and smiled. "Yes, well.. thank you for the compliment. Although, it's certainly not true. You must know the real reputation I have. I think Hope's informed you well."

"She probably has. And I'm sorry those boys were being awful, that couldn't have been fun," Emma replied.

Regina shrugged with a slight smirk. "One thing students sometimes seem to forget is the fact that I still have the upper hand. Eventually, they all have to listen to me."

"That's true," Emma giggled. "Hey, by the way, how are you going to celebrate your divorce?" Her eyes widened as soon as she'd spoked the words and she covered her mouth with her hand. "Sorry, that was really inconsiderate of me. A divorce isn't always easy, I shouldn't have called it a celebration."

Regina laughed wholeheartedly and shook her head. "Oh, I think I've called it that many times before as well, don't worry about it. I hadn't really planned anything, maybe just go to the bar and.."

"Hook up with someone?" Emma inquired, finishing Regina's sentence. Regina raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips together as she nodded.

"I guess. This time I just don't have to do it while feeling guilty about Robin. Maybe I'll just call Baron Samdi, he'd be interested," she said with a smile.

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