What If Information

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I have moved What If... to a separate account that will be run by the Marvel fan base. There will be a limited amount of people running the account, as I don't want things to get confusing.

If you are interested in helping with this book and want to help run this shared account, either tell me in the comments or message me through Wattpad.

What If... is a larger project then I originally intended, and I have made the decision to let the Marvel Fandom help and continue this book since I'm not going to be on Wattpad forever. It will be a book passed around throughout the fandom, with many different ideas.

If you help write the book, your account will be featured in each chapter you write, as well as the first chapter of the book dedicated to the collaboration of everyone involved with What If...

The new account for What If... is called The_Marvel_Fandom

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