"Mason. Could you please tell me what I did there?" I asked

"You weren't yourself, that's all" he said avoiding to give details

"Really?! So nothing bad happened" I asked

"Almost, but I took care of it" he said "you were just dancing carefree and some guy wanted to join you, I didn't allow that and took you back to the car"

"Okay. Thanks" I said and relaxed in the car seat

After driving for some minutes, we arrived at my home. I got out the car and waved him goodbye and watched until his car drove away. I turned around and got into my house and saw my mum sitting in the living room watching a movie

"sweetie, you're back in just in time. it's almost 8:00" she said looking at the wall clock

"yeah I did, didn't I?"

"so! what happened?" she asked with curiosity beaming

"to tell you the truth I can't remember much, just music, dancing, I kind of took a little bit too much"

"oh well then, you must be tired go freshen up and then you go to sleep after having dinner" she said

"ok mum" I said and left the living room. Immediately I entered my room I removed my phone and saw a lot of massages. Turns out my phone was in silent mode

Jack: hello guys! Anyone here?

Oliver: hey dude, have you talked with Mason I can't get to him

Sam: yeah me too

Liam: Exactly!

Sam: Amelia have you been in touch with Mason?

Oliver: Amelia, are you there?


Liam: MASON!!!

Jack: they are both not here.

Oliver: but why

Jack: it's evening and I still can't get in touch with them

Sam: are they in some kind of trouble?

Liam: no! we all know Amelia. She's responsible and we all know Mason, he's strong and able to fight for them so no problem they must be fine.

Liam: also they might be somewhere together. Spending time or something

Jack: yeah they must be spending a romantic evening 🌆

Sam: Mason! Where are you

Mason: I'm right here guys. I wasn't around today

Jack: WHY!? is it your old man again?

Mason: no, I was at the bar with Amelia

Jack: ooooooh, it must have been romantic

Mason: maybe😏

Oliver: come on tell me all the details

Me: you know I'm here right?

Jack: AMELIA! how was your date with Mason? Mason is being a kill joy. Fill me in with details

Me: it wasn't a date. Nothing happened as long as I remember

Jack: oh playing hard to get. I respect that

Mason: stop pulling her leg, it wasn't a date

Me: goodnight. I'm tired, bye see you in school tomorrow guys

Mason: Me too bye guys. Goodnight

Jack: goodnight y'all

Oliver: night night

Liam: goodnight dudes and dudette

The next morning I woke up and got dressed. I wore a red open shoulder crop top and short, blue Jeans, some jewelry and styled my hair into straight loose curls. I've completely wiped out the so called 'lil miss ponytails' in me.

I moved to the living room where my mom sat and showed her my new look.

"You look beautiful!" She said and rushed into the kitchen "eat breakfast and head to school, okay?"

"Okay mom" I nodded and sat in the dinner table grabbing the oatmeal in the bowl, after some minutes I was done so I grabbed my small black bag moved out of the dinning room "good bye mom"

"Good bye sweetie" she yelled making sure I heard her

I walked past the park and arrived at my school, for the first time no girl gave me a stink eye and no boy laughed or bullied me, they looked rather surprised. I was almost at the exit until I noticed the boy that I see almost everywhere I went approach me. No, it wasn't a good kind of coincidence to see this boy everywhere and no, it wasn't Mason.

I think he is my potential stalker, come on, I see him everywhere I have a scheduled class at and I never leave school without him giving me eye contact. It's kinda weird and rumors have it that he has a gun with him at all times.

The day I noticed him being my potential stalker, I went on his social media and learned his name and background. I have a habit for knowing who I notice a lot. His name is Andrew William the son of a very successful Mexican police officer William and famous Russian psychologist Alexandra Nathaniel.

His favorite hobby ice skating and indoor sports. He has been to Japan, china, and many more Asian countries. He has also been to Russia and won the competition for fastest ice skater during the last Christmas holiday.

Now for his description, he had blonde straight hair, mysterious grey eyes and baby pink lips.

"Amelia!" He said and stood right in front of me

"Y-yes" I replied and moved backwards valuing my personal space

"I want to get to know you better" he said confidently. 'he is a feisty one' I thought

"Get to know me as in how?" I asked acting childish

"You heard me, how about we become friends. I've noticed you a lot" he smirked

"Um...uhh....I guess there's nothing wrong with being friends" I said

"Cool" he smirked and winked at me
But before he could continue talking I heard a strong firm voice behind me. But who is it this time?

Hope you loved it

Love y'all

Next update still coming guys 💕💕

Love, Lies, and Loyalty: A Teens' Love TriangleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz