11. schoolgirl drama

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CORA BLYTHE WAS in heaven. Every single day with Winifred was heaven. She felt elated, on top of the world; there were no words to describe her utter feeling of euphoria. Even the girls at school, who usually only used her as a matchmaker between Gilbert and Ruby (a position that she most profoundly turned down), noticed her behaviour, and were suspicious of this rare sight.

Ruby Gillis approached Cora Blythe during lunch time with a smile on her innocent face. She put down her food and began to eat, and before she could say a word, Cora was quick to sigh and speak, "Look Ruby, my brother is taken by Anne and is actually happy. Happier than he has been in a while. So don't ask me to set you up with him, that's never going to work out; he loves Anne." Ruby shook her head daftly as she called the others girls to sit beside them.

Jane Andrews was the first to ramble on excitedly, "You seem so much happier these past few weeks Cora.. Do you have a new beau!"

Cora blushed beet red and Josie Pye instantly noticed her behaviour, "Cor, don't even try and lie to us. We know you have a beau-you're blushing."

"Josie." Cora smiled sweetly at her, "Unlike some in this circle, my happiness does not emerge only because a man has complimented me." Josie's face grew red with anger and Cora continued, "But you lot are correct. I have been courting someone special." The girls all squealed with excitement and Cora chuckled at their childish antics.

"Well Cor, we haven't had all day! What is his name?" Tillie questioned enthusiastically.

"His name is Winn-" She paused, noticing her error and blushing severely, "Wilber! Yes his name is Wilber and he is fantastic indeed."

"Wilber! What an absolutely beautiful name." Diana gushed, "Congratulations on your courtship! I cannot wait for the wedding.."

"WEDDING?! WHAT WEDDING-there will be no wedding, and besides, we're sixteen. Why would we even be thinking about marriage right now?" Cora exclaimed in panic, and her heart dropped at the realisation that she was expected to marry soon. She would be rendered a spinster, while every single friend of hers would get married. But soon she thought of her courtship with Winifred and was comforted: Winnie made it all worth it.

"Well you wouldn't want to end up an old maid, would you Cor?" Josie questioned inquisitively, "Even the ugly, red-haired orphan Anne has found someone. It would be quite embarrassing if you didn't.."

"Don't you dare speak a word against my bosom friend Josie Pye-Anne may be an orphan but she is so much better than you, in all ways. She's drop dead gorgeous, extremely smart and loquacious, and her imagination knows no bounds. I choose my company extremely carefully Josie; there's a reason that she's my bosom friend and not you." Cora spat out and wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Josie became a shade of tomato red and rolled her eyes, "Come on girls, we don't want to sit next to someone who defends dirty trash." Not one girl budged.

Cora chuckled, "The dirty trash insult? Really? And to think that I had the audacity to assume that you would have original insults."

"At least I'm not going to end up as a spinster. That position is reserved for you and your dear Anne." Josie exclaimed.

"Josie do you really think that someone is going to marry you, based off your looks AND personality? Firstly, you look like a guinea pig after rolling in mud-filled hay, and secondly, your personality is manipulative and equivalent to that of a bully. Even Billy Andrews wouldn't touch you, and that says something." Cora smirked in amusement.

The girls gaped at the two as they threw insults back and forth, Josie's face flushing after every word Cora said. A few minutes later, Diana finally came to her senses and spoke, "Come on Cora, why don't we go get our milk from the stream?"

"But I have my mi-"


Cora followed Diana in defeat, clueless as to why she called her there. "That was pretty heated, wasn't it?" Cora chuckled and soon stopped as Diana shot her a disapproving look.

"Josie is one of the richest here at Avonlea, there's boys lining up to marry her Cor.." Diana started out.

"I know. But teasing her about it is much more fun." Cora laughed again.

"That, I cannot disagree with." Diana retorted and they both burst into laughter together.

A few minutes later, Anne strode towards the two girls and questioned, "Hello Cor, Diana. What did I miss while I was at the barn?"

Diana and Cora simply smirked at each other and began to narrate the fall of Josie Pye to their red-haired companion.

─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─

( 808 words )

author's note:
thank u sm for reading! i hope u enjoyed this chapter and have a great day ahead of u muah <3 don't forget to vote and comment if u enjoyed it

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