Baron Vincent is a thin tall man. He angrily frowns.

Pacita blinks and looks weirdly at the Baron.
"Did you....just shout to my face?"
Her smiling face disappear and her eyes dilated so wide it almost as if she will eat the Baron.
Her bright aura change to a sinister predator.

Even Ligar who is standing far away felt a chill and turn around.

"Kneel for me." Pacita said.

"Du-duchess, let's talk civil." The baron cough in embarrassment. He let out his anger get a hold of his emotion.

"I. Said. Kneel."

Baron looks at Pacita who stands up and swings the wine bottle to his face.

The baron lost his balance and feel down.
Holding his hurt left cheek.

Pacita looks so tall as he look up at her while he is on the ground.

"Dog, I let you bark and yet you still dare growl?"
Pacita smirks.

"This! Do not be unreasonable Duchess!" Baron angrily shouted and pointed at her.
"You think you can act so lawless?"

"Ho? I can act as lawless as I can in my own house."

"I....I just came here to talk about Zupan! You can't just dismiss him."

"Huh? Why not? He can't teach so I send him away. What is his use if he can't teach? Or you are telling me to just keep him around just because you sent him? Then you should be the one paying him and not us!"

The Baron can't find a chance to retort since Pacita talks so much.

The Baron angrily stands up.
"Duchess, you said he can't teach? How is he unable to teach? Before you come here he has been teaching the young Master for months!"

Pacita looks at Amadeus that also staring at her.

She use her finger to make him come near.

Amadeus resigned and walk.

"Young Master." Baron politely greets.

"Baron Housen." Amadeus also greet him.

"Villain, tell us what you learned from Instructor...what's his name again?" Pacita looks back at the butler.

"Zupan, Madam."
The butler said.

"Yes, I remember. Tell us what your instructor Zupam taught you."

"......" Amadeus looks at Pacita.

Pacita is staring at Baron.

"It's fine Young Master, just be honest. Do not worry to embarrass someone." Baron smiles softly.
"Instructor Zupan is a great Instructor and came from prestigous school. He is also very promising and his family background is very good."

"He taught me to receive hits. I can't block or evade."
Amadeus said plainly.

Baron is speechless.
"That...That is impossible..Not to block.....Of course he should have teach you others.. Skill how to hold a sword, how to properly block.."

"...nothing." Amdeus looks at the sweating Baron. It seems the Instructor dare to tattle only the part that is beneficial to him.
"Oh...There is something else."

"That! Please tell!" Baron eyes twinkle.

"With Mom's instruction, I also hit him. But that is not counted as his instruction so it's actually just him hitting me for some 20-30 minutes a day for all our meetings."

Pacita nods.
"Baron, your taste in your men is questionable. Please do not send any of your men again. Next time you send anyone over, I will kick them back to your house." Pacita snorts.
"So useless but dare take money from my family. Do you see us as charity home?"
Pacita shakes her head.
"You.Go back to your lesson. Do not waste more time here. You already wasted so much with that Zupen"

Baron wanted to say more but what else can he say?

He just stand there as the Duchess and the young Duke ignore him.

The butler looks at the Baron and look appreciatively at the Duchess.

"Well done Madam."

Pacita raised a brow.
"There's no more wine. Get me another bottle."


Pacita laughs.
It's really different when you are rich.
You can act brazen and still look righteous.
You can drink all day and no one bothers you!

How great is this life unlike from before?

She doesn't need to coax a drunk man.
So good.

Drunkard Becomes the Villain's Step MotherWhere stories live. Discover now