Final Words

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Final Words

I met one of our fathers in the faith, Bishop David Oyedepo on the 15th of September 2008. I was a little boy at that time.

He took me by the hand and led me to the window of his office and said some words to me that I would never forget.

He said I should be an obedient child.

That was all he said. Nothing more. No impartation, no anointing oil, no special prayer. Only those words.

The words sounded so simple and direct but it was this year I understood what he really meant.

He answered a question I would ask twelve years later.

The question is: How do I make heaven on the last day?

And his answer was: Obedience.

Obedience to the promptings of the spirit.

Obedience to whatever God says.

God had told most of us what we have to do to be rich or healthy but we’ve chosen to disobey.

Because obedience is hard, weird and embarrassing most times so we ignore the instructions.

Disobedience is the crack in our armor that the devil is looking for.

I wanted to conclude the chapter but God dropped reminded me of those words.

Maybe it might save someone.

These are the last words I’ll be leaving with you in this book.

God bless you.

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