As I peak outside, I look in the stands. My fellow Slytherin friends are all wearing green, making tons of noise from the Slytherin stands. Harry, Ron and the rest of the Gryffindors are cheering on Hufflepuff, but I see something unexpected from Hermione; she's wearing yellow, yet awkwardly standing in the Slytherin stands, chatting with Millicent.

I whisper under my breath, "This is going to be exciting."

* * *

I try my best to concentrate on the Quaffle, but I can't help but glance over at Draco every now and then.

I chuckled at his imitation of the Hufflepuff Beaters; Michael McManus and Anthony Rickett. For the eighth time so far, I steal the Quaffle from Hufflepuff, swiftly throwing it to Marcus. Suddenly, the announcer begins to blasts again:

"Ten more points for Slytherin! Fleet, you better do job of blocking those Quaffles, we- sorry Professor." I heard whispering and some more talking, "No, I'm not going to stay objective. Don't make me do commentary again but I will surely not support Slytherin." I heard the fifth-year Gryffindor say. "So, Fleet you better get back to your post!"

I turned my attention back to the game, flying fast and hard. As Heidi Macavoy, one of the Hufflepuff Chasers get too close, I check to see if the announcer or any Professors are looking my way. When I'm sure they're not paying us any attention, I roughly elbow her in the ribs, having her slow down as I make my way towards the goal post. With a light grunt, I throw the Quaffle towards the post. Just before it zooms in, Herbert Fleet, the Keeper for Hufflepuff, hits it away.

Feeling enough anger, I could have punched him straight at the face for even trying, but I refrained from doing so. I flew off, and I made myself relax. 'I'm a warrior,' I smirked to myself triumphantly. I was still filled with rage though and from experience, I believe the best way to get rid of that anger is to play Quidditch.

The wind blew in my face, pushing my hair back. Sometimes it made things difficult to focus, but I did when I noticed a little golden ball flying around between Draco and Cedric, the Hufflepuff Seeker and Quidditch Captain. I tried my best to make it unnoticeable that I was following the snitch around with my eyes. I start to fly up towards Draco, since neither of them have noticed.

As soon as I have him looking my way, I glance over at the Snitch, then back at Draco. He furrows his eyebrows and follows my gaze. His eyes widen when he sees it. Without giving me another look, he's zooming off to catch it. While he does his job, I get back to mine:

"Everliegh has caught the Quaffle, and is heading towards the - and another ten points for Slytherin!"

Happiness filled me for a second as I heard cheering since I got us some more points, but that's all it lasted; a second.

I returned my attention Draco, to watch him focusing on winning.

* * *

"Slytherin wins!"

The Slytherin crowd erupts, and I fly down from my broom, landing on the soft grass of the Quidditch Pitch. Both teams follows, Slytherin loudly cheering, while the Hufflepuff team simply sighs, defeated. My team swarms with excitement as we all hug, throwing our brooms carelessly on the ground. My eyes search for a tall, blonde hair, grey eyed boy and my face easily lights up when my eyes meets his.

He jogs towards me, holding his arms out as I stop to let him come to me. "Always making me chase you, huh?" he chuckles as he bends down to give me a hug.

I gladly return it, "Yeah well, somebody's got to keep you in shape."

He shakes his head, but is smiling regardless. "Thank you," he simply says.

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