Desperate People Do Awful Things

Start from the beginning

Flashes of white lights caused plates and cups to the ground, the pieces shattering and flying off in different directions. A shard of pottery flew and scratched my cheek, drawing blood that dripped onto my fingers. I could hear Mr. Lovegood outside screaming about how he'd caught us and that he wanted his Luna back.

Streaks of black mist soared into the house, shaking the foundations and breaking furniture like it weighed nothing.

The five of us crawled across the floor, various pots and plates falling onto our heads. Nezz held her palm up in the air and created a red shield over us so the shards of pottery and glass bounced off it.

"Join hands!" Hermione urged.

The five of us grappled our hands together and disapparated.

Several thuds sounded as we landed on yet another forest floor. This was starting to get repetitive. My eyes scanned the surroundings for Nezz and I breathed a sigh of relief when she slipped her hand into mine and we pulled each other up.

"That treacherous little bleeder! Is there no one we can trust?" Ron groused as he helped Hermione up from the ground.

"They kidnapped her because he supported Nezz and I" Harry argued, "He was just desperate." Ron didnt seem too convinced because he let out a scoff of disbelief.

"Desperate people do awful things Ron, trust me" Nezz countered sadly, her tone slipping off at the end as if she was thinking of a specific memory in her life.

I frowned, pulling her into my side and kissing the side of her head.

Nezz had a cut just below her scar that had just begun to stop bleeding, her lip was bleeding too but I was just to grateful that we all made it out alive. Harry spied Nezz's injuries and he stepped over a long to peck her cheek comfortingly.

"I'll do the enchantments" Hermione said, still catching her breath from the earlier shock.

She turned around but stopped dead in her tracks for some reason which we didn't know why until we heard the voice.

"Hello, beautiful."

A snatcher.

He leaned against a tree casually, fiddling with a frayed piece of his fingerless gloves, his black hair was clumped in dirty strands and it hung in a half up-do. His face was patched in dirt and sweat.

"Run! Go!" Harry cautioned loudly. We all took off in a sprint away from the snatchers, "Nerezza, come on!" Harry growled as she slowed down.

"You go! I can stay and fight them off!" She ordered.

"Hell no" I dismissed, grabbing her arm and trying to shove her in front of me.

Nezz held up her hands and forced us all forward with a wall of scarlet.

I belted a cry of frustration as it sunk in that I'd left her alone to fight off the snatchers; Hermione slung curses behind her blindly hoping she'd hit one of them.

For a few minutes, we couldn't see the snatchers behind us and I hoped that that meant that Nezz had stopped them.

That was until green was fired at us, hitting a nearby tree. Ron ducked just in time and that was our cue to keep running.

My heart was thumping in my chest as we all continued to run, twigs and leaves crunching under our heavy footsteps. Red and green streaks scorched the ground below us, causing the grass to smoke.

Suddenly, I heard Ron groan as his body collided with the floor, rope tied around his ankles from a spell. I skidded to a halt, running towards my brother and desperately fumbling with the rope to free him. However, I knew it was no use, two snatchers surrounded us with their wands drawn warningly.

I held my hands up in a begrudging surrender.

The two snatchers hoisted Ron and I up and lead us a little further into the woods where Hermione and...Harry? What the hell was wrong with his face? It was puffed up and swollen, like he'd been stung by loads of bees. Hermione was held by a snatcher as was Harry but Nezz wasn't here...oh god. No. No. She couldn't be.

"Where is she!" I bellowed at a snatcher, lunging forward with a sinking feeling settling in my stomach.

"The pretty Kenesis witch?" He cackled a laugh, "why, here she is now!" He jeered as if he was entertained by our capture and distress.

We all whipped our heads in the direction on where he'd looked.

There she was. Her hands cuffed by a red, shiny metal. The cuffs were linked with a silver chain and that's when I saw the same cuff round her neck...she was chained like some sort of fucking animal.

Wait a minute...I recognised that metal.

"Mercury Metal" the the lead snatcher smirked evilly, "quite effective on shutting this one up" he chuckled, rubbing Nezz's scar with his thumb.

Nezz was noticeably weakened. Her body was slumped, only held up by the chains which were controlled by another snatcher.

"LET HER GO!" I roared as I charged at the lead snatcher.

I was dragged back by the snatcher holding me hostage.

That horrible feeling of helplessness was twisting a knot in my stomach, Nezz was moaning in pain and I could hear the metal sizzling her skin.

"Quite a beauty this one is, aside from that fuckin werewolf scar" the lead snatcher curled his lip and pushed Nezz's head away from his face.

The snatcher moved on from Nezz and leered near Hermione.

Nezz collapsed to her knees and a strangled cry escaped my lips. I hated this. I hated seeing her constrained as if she was some type of feral animal; as if she were nothing.

"Don't touch her!" Ron groused, attempting to run forward to Hermione.

In retaliation, a snatcher punched him straight in the gut and a oof sound followed with Ron cradling his stomach in pain. He staggered to the floor, rolling over in pain. Hermione yelled out for him with horror.

"Your boyfriend will get worse than that if he doesn't learn to behave himself" the lead snatcher threatened, flashing his grimy teeth at us in a twisted smile. "What happened to you, ugly?" He said to Harry.

Both the disfigured Harry and the snatcher holding him turned to look at the lead snatcher.

"No, not you" he dismissed, "What's your name?"

"Dudley. Vernon Dudley." Harry lied expertly.

"And you two, you look related" he commented, wagging his finger between Ron and I. "What do they call you both?"

"Albert and Atlas Thornton" I answered quickly for my brother, "we're brothers, he's younger" I told them, hoping my poker face was more than convincing enough.

"I'm Penelope Clearwater, half-blood" Hermione said after me, her nose flaring in revulsion as the snatchers sniffed around her hair.

"An you, my lovely" the lead snatcher chuckled, sauntering over to my Nezz, "we already know you. The last remaining Kenesis Witch. Sirius Black's daughter" he coughed with a grin.

"There's no Vernon Dudley on here." Another snatcher blurted, holding his list.

"Did you hear that, ugly? The list says you're lying!" The lead snatcher turned his attentions back to Harry who was darting his glances around at us all, his eyes lingered on Nezz who hadn't said a word yet. "How come you don't want us to know who you are? Who are they to you?" He pressed, lifting up Nezz's sagging head by her hair.

"Go fuck yourself" she spat, her eyes glassing over with scarlet rage.

"Change of plan." The lead snatcher said, "We're not taking this lot to the Ministry."

𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑲|𝑺𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑼𝑺 𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑲'𝑺 𝑫𝑨𝑼𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑬𝑹Where stories live. Discover now