Charlie/ Park

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*Grace pov*

I knew that Charlie was not going to let me out. I walk over to the bed and reach in my pocket for my phone. When I felt nothing in my pocket I got even more enraged.

Owen sat next to me. I got up and went to sit against the wall. Then I thought of something. What if I just locked myself in Charlie's closet or bathroom.

I walk over the the bathroom and Owen notices. "Charlie." He screams. I just quicken my pace to the bathroom before i felt someone pick me up. I started squirming.

"Put me down." I yelled at the top of my lungs. Surely some of the neighbors had to hear. Charlie runs in as Owen puts me down.

I take that as my chance to run out of the bedroom. I grab my purse and go into my car. Right as I'm about to drive off Owen and Charlie hop in.

"I didn't say you could come." I say sharply. Not only am I mad at Owen, but I'm mad Charlie now.

"Where are we going?" Charlie asked disregarding my comment. "No where with you.". "Well where were you going?" Owen asks quietly. "AWAY FROM YOU GUYS." I yell.

I drive off with them in my car. I drive to the secret path at the park. Its surrounded by trees. The last time I was here was with the girls talking about my current situation.

Maybe I could leave them out here. I could get out and tell them to meet me at the picnic table. Once they sit down I can run back to the car and drive off.

I don't get out but Owen and Charlie do. This is my chance, but something tells me not to go. Owen moves to the front seat next to me and Charlie is sitting outside the car on a log texting.

"Sooo...." Owen trailed off. "What Owen? Huh. You're gonna tell me you're sorry and that you have a perfect excuse for what you did. And that you want to be best friends again?" I snapped.

"No." He said just above a wisper. Wow. That crushed me. He didn't want to be friends again?

"Youre right. I have no excuse for the way i acted. I was being selfish. I didn't like seeing you with someone else... again. Everytime you got into a relationship I was always jealous, but you thought I was being protective. Which i was, but I was still jealous.And no I don't want to be your best friend again. I wanna be more than you're best friend.".

I was shocked. My face soften, but only slightly. I was still livid. "I want to be the one you call when you can't sleep. I wanna be the one to hold you when your scared. Comfort you when your sad-". "Owen you already do that.". "Yah but I mean not in a best friend way. I want to kiss you whenever I can. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Remember what we always said?".

I nod. "I will love you more than the number of stars in the sky." We said together. Owen looked at me "I want to be yours." he said. His voice cracked.

Just as I opened up my mouth Charlie gets in the car. "I hope you made up and if you didn't im sorry. Jeremy needs me.". "Take a uber." Owen says annoyed.

"They don't come back here near the woods.". He looked at me. "Can you please take me?" He whined. I sigh and start the way to Jeremy's house.


After we drop Charlie off at Jers I turn to Owen. He hasn't said anything the whole ride here. "Park?" I asked. He smiles and nods.

When we arrive at the park Owen gets out. I get out after him. "What are we doing?". "I know you like fresh air. I didn't want you to feel trapped in the car.". "Oh but you dont mind if im trapped in a room with no fresh air?" I asked jokingly.

He chuckles as we sit on top of the picnic table. "So what were you saying earlier." I asked fidgeting with my fingers.

"I like you Grace. Okay? Im crazy in love with you. I have been since I first saw you on the dock. Staring at the stars. You're so inspirational. Everything reminds me of you. The stars, the beach, ...Starbucks." he chuckled.

"I-i just can't keep seeing you with someone else. I thought I had time, but when I saw you with Charlie, I realized I was too late. Until I got a second chance. I'm not letting it go this time.".

I smile. "Owen I-I- you- we-." I sigh trying to find the right words to say to the blonde boy in front of me. "Im crazy in love with you too." I smile from ear to ear. It felt good saying that out loud. But even better saying it too him.

He smiles at me. My stomach is doing backflips right now. "Grace? Will you like to be my girlfriend?". I smile like an idiot. "Of course.". He gets off the table, picks me up, and starts spinning me around. I laugh. This crazy dork is finally mine.

We start to head back when there is a clash of thunder. I jump at the unexpected sound. Owen chuckles. "We better hurry. I'm not trying to get struck by lightning.". I start walking a little faster.

It starts raining. We just walk normal. There is no use in running. The rain has already soaked our clothes.

Owens blonde hair is darker as the rain has soaked it. He

*Owen pov*

The rain has now soaked our clothes. I look over to my girlfriend. Man, moms gonna be happy to hear this. I look back at my girlfriend to see her already looking at me. I flash her a smile.

Her hair is soaked, waterdrops on her eyelashes, and her beautiful smile.

"What?" I asked. "Nothing. You're just really....... hot" she blushed as she said it. "Really hot?" I chuckled. Her blush deepened. "So we're thinking the same thing.". "Owen get over yourself." She chuckles. I stopped walking and looked at her. "No. I mean you. You're beautiful.".

She just looked down and blush like crazy. Then I remembered something. "Hey have you ever crossed 'kissing in the rain' off your bucket list?". She looked confused. "No..."she trailed off.

I cup her face and lean in. She leans in too. Her breath hitched. I grin before crashing my lips into hers. Fireworks explode through out me.

*Grace pov*

His lips crash into mine. I feel the butterflies go crazy. I smile through the kiss. When we pull away he rests his forehead against mine. "I've been waiting for years to do that.".

I am so happy to call him mine


This is not the end. There will be a few more chapters. Also would yall like bonus chapters?
Xoxo me


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